Entry 985: Saturday 8th June 2019

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Entry 985
Saturday 8th June 2019

Short diary entry.

I'm too stressed to write in detail.

Nikki is still missing.

I once again spent most of the day going around Cowes and showing people Nikki's photo, asking them if they recognised her and if they'd seen her. No joy. I'm going out of my mind. I can't help thinking about what happened when Catherine kidnapped Mum, and thinking that this might be happening to Nikki. My concern is coupled with anger. No one seems to care that Nikki is missing. Mum's looking after Leo and Mike is helping me (not that he's that much help) but no one else seems to give a toss. Even that arrogant arsehole Blade has washed his hands of the situation.

I met up with Sci-Fi Cyn and we briefly had a catch up over a cuppa at Sails Café, she said she'd help me to look for Nikki but the problem is that we don't know where to look. We have no clues and we have no idea where Nikki could be. She could be in the unpopulated areas of the island. She could even be over on the mainland. I'm starting to see this GRID lot as a pretty useless bunch. People could come and go from this island and they wouldn't have a f*cking clue.

I haven't been able to find anything out about Debbie Renninson. I told Sci-Fi Cyn that I knew she did some work at the community centre, and that I could wait outside there and when she eventually appeared, I could approach her and ask her what she knows about Nikki. Sci-Fi Cyn talked me out of it saying that it wasn't a good idea, and that it would make Blade angry if he found out. I had a go at Sci-Fi Cyn accusing her of not caring that Nikki was missing, but she calmed me down and said that as she wasn't as emotional as I was, it would be a better idea for her, rather than me to wait for Debbie outside the community centre. Sci-Fi Cyn said there was more chance of Debbie answering questions coming from her; a calm and rational person, rather than me as I was currently angry and all over the place. It was all irrelevant anyway, because after waiting outside the community centre for a few hours Debbie didn't even turn up. I don't care what Blade thinks or what anyone says; Debbie knows something about where Nikki is!

This is the third day Nikki has been missing. I'm so worried. Nikki babes, where are you?

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