Entry 1104: Saturday 5th October 2019

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Entry 1104
Saturday 5th October 2019

It's been a seriously traumatic day. There's been a fight, an infected, a death, and right now I'm in quarantine, feeling traumatised and terrified.

The day started when I woke up feeling very ill, a throbbing headache, a painful stomach and aches all over my body. I laid in bed feeling rough as Leo was in his little bed next to me shouting and screaming and giving me a headache. A few minutes later mum walked in. "Sausage, what are you doing?" she asked, "Can't you hear Leo crying?" "Oh, is that what that is?" I sarcastically said, "I wondered what that loud noise was." "No need to be like that," said Mum, as she picked up Leo and started to cuddle him and calm him down, "Are you going to get up or not? It's nearly half past ten you lazy git." "Mum, I feel like sh*t," I firmly said, "Look at me. Can't you tell I'm ill?" "Well, it's hard to tell," said Mum, leaning in to look at me, "You always look a bit ill. You've not been blessed with the most beautiful complexion, it's like looking close up at the surface of the moon, and the texture of your skin. It's like someone's just dug you up." "Thanks," I bluntly said. "You need to build your immune system up," said Mum, "I'll get you some headache tablets."

Around 11am I got up and went downstairs. Looking like sh*t and covered in sweat I walked through the kitchen, opened the backdoor and sat on the doorstep. I thought getting some fresh air might make me feel better. I sat on the step and felt the breeze against my face, and after a few moments I heard Mum's voice from behind telling me I had a visitor. I turned round and saw Mum stood in the kitchen doorway with Naomi. "Jesus!" gasped Naomi looking at my pale face and sweaty forehead, "What's wrong with you? You look horrible." "It'll probably just be the flu," said Mum. "She's right," I said, "I get like this every now and then. I'll be alright." Naomi sat next to me and put her hand on my forehead. "You're really hot," said Naomi. "Not a lot of women have told him that," said Mum. "You looked like this when I had to hide in the wardrobe, that time," said Naomi. "I'll be alright," I said, "I just need to relax." "It's probably all the stress that you've been through," said Naomi. "Probably," I said. I looked at Mum and non-verbally signalled that she should leave and give me and Naomi privacy. "What are you looking at me like that for?" asked Mum, not realising I was telling her to get lost. "I think me, and Naomi want to talk," I said. "Well, I'm not bl**dy stopping you, am I?" said Mum. "Get lost, Mum," I firmly said. "Frigging charming," said Mum, "Oh, and next time you see Cyn tell her not to be so rude." "What do you mean?" I asked. "She came round here about half an hour ago when you were still upstairs," said Mum, "she said she wanted to see you. She was a bit rude and snappy. I told her to bugger of because you were ill in bed asleep." "Yeah, well I was a bit rude to her yesterday," I said. "Well, that's nothing to do with me, is it?" said Mum, "She's going to come round later on. Tell her that she owes me an apology and that she shouldn't be so rude." "Tell her yourself," I said. "I probably won't be in," said Mum, "I do have a life outside of this house you know. Your Auntie's going out later, so you'll have to look after Leo yourself." Mum then left the kitchen.

Me and Naomi had a good chat. "I'm sorry I said all that sh*t to you," said Naomi. "You're sorry?" I said, "It's me that should be sorry. I need to engage my brain before I open my mouth." "Yeah, you didn't come across in a good way," said Naomi, "But I know you didn't mean to be a nob. Ash had a good chat with me. He's really on your side you know?" "I suppose he's a good mate," I said, "Weird really, considering both he and Mum used to work for f*cking ACROBAT." "Yeah," said Naomi, "Who'd have thought we'd be where we are now." "So, are me and you, OK?" I asked Naomi. "I don't know," said Naomi, "I've been having a think, and part of me really doesn't like the idea of you abandoning your child, but at the end of the day it's your child not mine, and Nikki is a f*cking psycho." "So, where do we go from here?" I asked. "Well," said Naomi, "Your front room is full of all those paintings of you naked. Mikes moved them from my living room into yours, so they all need shifting, but first, I think you need to go to bed and get well. You look bl**dy awful." Naomi picked me up of the doorstep. As we stood up, we heard some rustling in the bushes ahead of us. "What the Hell is that?" I said gasping. "It'll be a cat or something," said Naomi, "Stop being so jumpy. Come on. Let's get you in bed. If your Mum and Auntie Meryl are going out later, I'll take Leo round to mine and get Ash to look after him, and then you never know... I might come back round in the afternoon and give you a little surprise." "What do you mean?" I asked, feeling uncertain and confused. "Well," whispered Naomi in a seductive tone, "Let's just say that I might do something to you that might put a smile on your face and stop you from feeling unwell." I immediately thought Naomi was talking about something sexual. I got all excited and a big smile appeared on my face. "Naomi," I said, "Do you mean that we're..." "Shush," said Naomi, interrupting me, "Don't spoil it by saying it. You just go to bed. Get some sleep. Get some rest, and I'll come and see you later, and give you a little... surprise." I smiled and was about to kiss Naomi, but I once again heard some rustling in the bushes. "What the Hell is that?" I snapped. "Is someone there?" "Luke, no one is there," said Naomi, "Stop being paranoid. Now go to bed, take some tablets or something and I'll see you later." I closed the kitchen door, Naomi and I went inside and she was about to kiss me but she stopped herself. "Sorry," she said, "You're covered in sweat, and you stink. I'll see you later." Naomi kissed her index finger and then placed her index finger on my head.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now