Entry 983: Thursday 6th June 2019

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Entry 983
Thursday 6th June 2019

Nikki is missing! I'm really worried! I feel like I should do something, but I don't know what to do.

The whole panic started in the morning when I came downstairs, walked into the living room and started playing with Leo who was sat on the rug. As soon as Mum heard me playing with Leo, she walked into the living room with a note in her hand and a rather concerning expression. "What's up?" I asked. "Here," said Mum, offering me the note and looking all serious, "It's for you." "For me?" I said, taking the note from Mum, "What is it?" I opened the note, read what was contained within and gasped in horror. I looked up at Mum, saw her look of worry and then looked back at the note and read it out; "I've got your girlfriend. You're never going to see her again... What the f*ck is this?" "I don't know," said Mum, "I found it when I got up this morning. It was just there on the mat. Someone must have posted it through the letter box last night when we were all in bed." "Look after Leo," I said to Mum, as I grabbed my coat and started to put it on. "Where are you going?" Mum asked. "I'm off for a walk on the beach!" I sarcastically said, "Where do you think I'm going? I'm going round to Nikki's to see what's going on. Just watch Leo, I'll be back in a bit."

I quickly dashed round to Nikki's and started loudly banging on the front door. "Nikki!" I loudly yelled, "Nikki! Babes! It's Luke, are you in there!?" I looked through the letter box and the living room window.
I gasped when I noticed a smashed vase on the living room floor and a bit of blood spatter on the coffee table. It looked like there'd been some sort of struggle. "Oh God," I said as I felt the hairs on my arm stand on end. I stood up and started pacing up and down the small front garden, feeling like I should do something but not knowing what to do.

I eventually pulled myself together and quickly walked towards Cowes town centre where there were a couple of GRID soldiers patrolling the entrance to the town centre. I told them what had happened and that I wanted to speak to Blade. I tried to tell them calmly what happened, but I was all flustered and panicked. They radioed through to Blade, briefly explained the situation and I was told to go home and wait for Blade to turn up.

When I arrived back home Mum asked me where I'd been and said that I'd been a long time. I told her I'd been into town to tell some GRID soldiers to get Blade to come and speak to me. "I looked through her living room window," I said, "A vase was smashed and there was a bit of blood on the coffee table. It looked like something out of a horror scene." "Oh God, this isn't starting to sound good," said Mum. "Blade's going to come round," I said, "He didn't take those nasty notes seriously, so maybe now he'll do something." "Yes, but who would do this?" said Mum, "And why? I mean, kidnapping. It's a bit extreme." I slowly raised my head as a sudden look of realisation came on my face. "What?" asked Mum. "Debbie!" I exclaimed, "Debbie Rennison. She did this!" "Catherine's Mum," said Mum. "Yeah, of course, think about it," I said, "She's Catherine's Mum. She's angry about what happened. She blames me because Catherine's dead, and the other day in town she told me that one day I'll know the pain of losing someone I love and go through the sort of pain she went through when Catherine died. So, there's a motive and a chunky bit of evidence, and Catherine kidnapped you, so maybe Debbie has kidnapped Nikki. You know what they say? Like parent like child." "Oh, I don't know about that sausage," said Mum, "I am close to being an international sex symbol of extreme popularity. You're lucky if you can get a girl to look twice at you. That's why I was so pleased to see you and Nikki getting on."

At that moment Auntie Meryl walked through the door. She'd just been to one of her usual coffee mornings where she chats and knits with a bunch of other pensioners. Silence fell and we exchanged awkward looks, but Auntie Meryl could tell there was a more unusual sense of tension in the air. "What's going on?" she asked. "Nikki's been kidnapped," I said. "Nikki who?" asked Auntie Meryl. "Oh God," I said, rolling my eyes. "Is that the woman who's called Barry who lives in Wales." "Right," I snapped, "I can't talk to her right now. I just don't have the energy. Auntie Meryl go out or go to your room." "Oi you cheeky sod, you can't speak to me like that!" snapped Auntie Meryl, "I..." "SHUT UP!" I yelled at Auntie Meryl, taking a few steps closer to her and waving the note in her face, "Someone's put this through the door. Nikki's gone missing. It looks like she's been kidnapped, and I'm really worried about her, and I'm even more worried because she left here in a mood with me, and she left here in a mood BECAUSE OF YOU, SO I'LL TALK TO YOU HOW I F*CKING LIKE. NOW, GET OUT OR GO UPSTAIRS!!" Auntie Meryl looked shocked and a bit upset that I'd once again raised my voice to her. Mum looked shocked too. My shouting caused Leo to start crying. I picked him up and gave him a cuddle as Auntie Meryl made her way upstairs. "Sausage," said Mum, "You need to calm down. Meryl might be a cranky old biddy but she's still a vulnerable pensioner." "She's about as vulnerable as your f*nny is tight," I snapped, "Look, forget about her. We need to do something. We need to find Nikki." "Well, where are we supposed to start looking?" exclaimed Mum. "I don't know," I exclaimed, "I'll search the entire island if I have to." "Sausage, just calm down," I said. "Don't tell me to f*cking calm down Mum!" I angrily snapped, "My girlfriend has been kidnapped!" "Yes, love, I know," said Mum, "But I don't think you and me traipsing all over the island is going to help. Nikki could be anywhere." "Oh, so I'm supposed to just sit here and do f*ck all am I?" I snapped. "You're supposed to sit here and wait for Blade to turn up," said Mum, "Now I know you're worried. I'm worried too but the GRID lot are the ones who can help. You wanted Blade to come round here to help, so just sit and wait for him." I did as Mum said and I calmed down a bit, but I still spent ages pacing around the living room floor.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now