Entry 984: Friday 7th June 2019

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Entry 984
Friday 7th June 2019


Nikki is still missing. I'm so worried.

I spent most of the day walking around Cowes, showing people a picture of Nikki to see if they recognised her, and asking when the last time was that they saw her if they did. I got nowhere. Most people had no idea who Nikki was, and of the small number of those who did recognise Nikki couldn't remember when they last saw her. Some people said they saw her at the end of last week, but that info is no good to me because I have seen Niki since then. Where the Hell is she!?

Whilst Mum was at home looking after Leo, Mike helped me in asking people about Nikki's whereabouts but he wasn't much help. We reconvened at the end of the day outside Sails Café and Mike gave me a hug when I told him I was feeling disheartened. "Don't get upset babes," said Mike, "At least we're spending time together." "Mike, she could be anywhere," I said, "She could be dead. I feel like we're just wandering around aimlessly. I've been showing everyone this picture I have of Nikki, and hardly anyone recognises her." "I know," said Mike, producing a small picture from his pocket, "I've been showing them a picture too, but no one recognises her." "How have you got a picture of Nikki?" I asked. I took the photo out of Mike's hand, looked at it and rolled my eyes. "Mike, this isn't Nikki," I said, "Who the Hell is this a picture of?" "Lauren Conrad," said Mike. "Who the f*ck is Lauren Conrad?" I snapped. "She was in The Hills," said Mike, "A reality TV show." "Why the Hell are you going around Cowes showing this to people?" I snapped, "This isn't Nikki." "Yeah, I know," said Mike, "But it looks like her and since you had a photo and thought it might help, I thought I should have one." "Oh my God," I said, looking up and closing my eyes, "I despair. I just despair. I'm trying to find my girlfriend and the only person who's helping me is a guy showing everyone a picture of a z-lister from a reality TV show." Mike put his arms around me and gave me a hug, but as he tried to pull away the zip to his flies got caught in the zip to my flies. "What are you doing?" I snapped. "I think my flies are stuck on yours," said Mike. "Well how the Hell has that happened?" I snapped. "I don't know," said Mike, "Don't worry babes, I've got it." Mike lowered both of his hands and started fiddling around with his flies and mine. "What are you doing?" I snapped. "Trying to get us free," said Mike, "I know, I'll take the knob to my bedroom door out of my pocket. That might help." "Mike, just get this sorted," I said. A couple of people who were passing by, stopped and gave both Mike and I confusing and strange looks. "What you looking at!?" Mike loudly snapped at the passers-by, "I'm just trying to get my knob out!" The two onlookers looked horrified. "That's not how it sounds!" I loudly said to the onlookers who were being joined by other members of the public. "Mike, will you just get us unzipped?" I snapped. "Hang on babes," said Mike, as he continued fiddling around with my flies, "I think I've got it." RIP!!! Mike grabbed hold of my flies, yanked at my crotch and ripped off my cheap pair of trousers leaving me stood in the High Street half naked with my pants on show and a blunt and unhappy look on my face. The few onlookers were now a crowd who were all staring at me as I stood outside Sainsbury's without any trousers. Mike was about to say something but I interrupted him. "No," I firmly said, "Don't say anything Mike. I'm going home." Wearing no trousers and with my pants fully on show, I walked through the town centre and back home half naked and looking like a right tw*t.

When I walked back into the living room Mum was sat with Leo and I was surprised to see Naomi sat on the other sofa. "What's going on?" I asked. "What happened to you?" asked Mum, "Where are your trousers?" "Don't ask," I said, "What's she doing here?" "SHE wants a word with you," snapped an angry Naomi standing up from the sofa. "Oh, Naomi," I said, "I am really not in the mood for an argument." "I don't give a toss what you're in the mood for!" Naomi angrily snapped, "You sent Blade round to mine to accuse me kidnapping Nikki." "No," I said, "I..." "What the f*ck is wrong with you!?" snapped Naomi, interrupting me "Do you really think I could kidnap someone, and then send some sort of weird ransom note." "Naomi," I said, "I..." "I mean, Jesus Christ, Luke," exclaimed Naomi, again interrupting me, "Do you really hate me that much?" "Naomi," I said, "I..." "Sending Blade round and practically accusing me of kidnapping Nikki," snapped Naomi, interrupting me," I mean how do you think that makes me feel!? I..." "NAOMI SHUT THE F*CK UP!!" I angrily shouted. Naomi was taken aback and looked shocked that I was shouting. "For f*cks sake," I snapped, "I really don't give a toss what you think. Me and you and are not friends anymore. Do you understand? We. Are. Not. Friends. Get that into your thick head. I don't care what Blade did or said and I don't care if you're angry or upset. My girlfriend is missing. It looks like she's been kidnapped, and after a day of trying to find her, I end up with my trousers being ripped off in the centre of Cowes whilst Mike stands there saying he's getting his nob out, so right now Naomi your f*cking feelings are the last thing on my mind. Now f*ck off and don't bother coming round here again!" An awkward silence followed. Naomi looked shocked. So did Mum. Naomi slowly shook her head and looked at me with horror and shock. "You're being a pr*ck," said Naomi, "You're being..." "NAOMI JUST GET OUT!!!" I angrily yelled interrupting Naomi. Naomi stormed out, slammed the door and I burst into tears. Mum put her arm around me and tried to comfort me. "Oh, it's OK, sausage," said Mum, "We'll get you a new pair of trousers." "I'm not crying cos I've lost my trousers, you stupid cow," I snapped, "I'm crying cos..." "You're crying because you don't like falling out with Naomi," said Mum. "No!!!" I loudly snapped, "I'm crying cos I'm worried about Nikki!" I stormed upstairs, put on a new pair of trousers, and wiped away my tears. I don't know who the Hell Naomi thinks she is, but I don't have the time for her sh*t right now and I'm just not interested.

I later caught up with Blade. He came round and told me that he went inside Nikki's house and that the red liquid on the coffee table was definitely blood. "OK," I said, "So what do we do now?" "Well I think you and you friends should still go around making enquiries," said Blade. "OK..." I said, "I mean, that wasn't much use today but I suppose we can keep trying. What are you going to do?" "Well without any other information I am not sure what we can do," said Blade, "If you can gather further info then I can look at what action we can take." "And that's it!?" I exclaimed, "Get me to do your job for you!?" "Luke, we're not the police," said Blade. "You're the next best thing," I said, "Why don't you go speak to Debbie Rennison and see what she's got to say for herself." "I have spoken to Debbie, Luke," said Blade, "In fact I've spoken to a few people; Debbie, Naomi, Ash." "Yeah, I know you've spoken to Naomi," I said, "She came round here and had a right go at me. I thought you were going to handle this. All you've done is p*ss Naomi off." "Luke, I'm not a social worker," said Blade. "Just tell me what Debbie said," I asked. "Luke, Debbie has nothing to do with what happened to Nikki," said Blade. "What?" I gasped, "You don't know that." "Do you really think Debbie would break into Nikki's house and assault her?" asked Blade. "Her house wasn't broken into," I said, "There was no sign of a break in. Maybe Debbie went round, knocked on the door and then forced her way in." "And then what?" asked Blade, "She assaulted Nikki, kidnapped her and left the front room in a mess but closed the front door properly?" "God, I don't know, do I?" I snapped, "I'm not in CSI. It's your job to figure things out isn't it?" "Think about it Luke," said Blade, "We've both met Debbie. Do you really think she'd smash Nikki over the head with a vase and then kidnap her?" "Maybe," I said, "Her daughter kidnapped people and chopped them up. Maybe Catherine learned it from Debbie." "From what I can gather Catherine and Debbie didn't get on," said Blade. "Yeah but she was still Catherine's Mum," I said, "She made that point to me herself." "It doesn't matter," said Blade. "What do you mean it doesn't matter?" I snapped, "How can you say it doesn't matter!?" "Because I have seen Debbie, spoken to her, looked in her house and there's no sign of Nikki," said Blade. "That doesn't mean anything," I said, "She could have her hidden away somewhere. Me, Mum and Auntie Meryl got locked in a garage. Tara had me and you trapped in a school. Debbie could have her holed up anywhere on the island." "Luke," said Blade, "You and your friends keep looking for Nikki and making enquiries, and I will get my soldiers to keep an eye out. Let's just hope Nikki turns up." Blade left and I was left feeling angry. I shouted and spent the evening ranting and raving and slagging off Blade and the whole of GRID.

I can't believe it! Blade has basically washed his hands of the whole thing. Nikki could be dead and he doesn't give a toss. Well I'm not just going to sit back and do nothing. I'm going to continue asking the people of Cowes if they recognise Nikki from the picture I have, and also when they last saw her. I still think Debbie has done something with Nikki. Everything points to her, and I can't believe that Blade is such a useless tw*t that he can't see how obvious all this sh*t is that's standing right in front of him! F*cking moron! I'm going to try and figure out where Debbie lives, track her down and have a word with her myself.

I still haven't really spoken to Auntie Meryl about our falling out. To be honest she's another one that can f*ck off right now, but once Nikki is found I am going to make sure Auntie Meryl apologises to her. I really hope I find Nikki. I'm really worried about her.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now