Entry 995: Tuesday 18th June 2019

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Entry 995
Tuesday 18th June 2019

I don't believe it! Things just keep going from bad to worse. I caught up with Sci-Fi Cyn today and she brought Mike with her, which was nice. Awkward, but nice, but the thing that has really annoyed me is finding out who my new next-door neighbour is!

I woke up looking forward to having a day off, and as Nikki and I were sorting Leo out and getting some breakfast ready I realised that we didn't have any milk left. I told Niki that I'd go to Sainsbury's in Sandown, but she said I should just pop next door, introduce myself to the new neighbour and see if they had any milk. I thought it was a bit cheeky to be honest, but I didn't want to get into an argument with Nikki after we'd recently made up, and I suppose I did think it was an opportunity to meet the new neighbour. I wish I hadn't have bothered!

I handed Leo to Nikki, opened the front door, walked outside, exited the garden, quickly made my way round to next door, walked up their garden path and knocked on the door. I took a step back, and after waiting for a few moments the door opened. "Hi," I cheerfully said, "I live..." I suddenly stopped talking as I saw who was stood before me. A combination of shock, frustration, disappointment and disbelief appeared on my face as I staretd to absorb who our new neighbour was. "Oh God," I said, "Please tell me I'm dreaming and that you're not my next-door neighbour." It was Natasha! NATASHA! I couldn't believe it. "No, Luke," said Natasha, "I can assure you that you're not dreaming. I am indeed your next-door neighbour... What's happened to you head? They look like some nasty cuts?" "You were living in Cowes!" I exclaimed, ignoring Natasha's comment about my cuts. "So were you," said Natasha, "But now you live here, and so do I. It's quicker and easier to drive from here to The Hive, than it is to drive from Cowes to The Hive. I have a car. I could give you a lift in the morning." "It's fine," I bluntly said, "Gary gives me a lift. For God's sake, why next door to me?" "Luke, it wasn't up to me," said Natasha, "This is where GRID put me." "I bet this was Blade," I snapped, "First of all he gives me this sh*tty job knowing I won't like it, and knowing I'll hate having you as my boss, and then he puts you next door to me." "Luke," said Natasha, "Calm down. I am perfectly capable of maintaining boundaries. I am your boss in work but outside of work we can be neighbours. Perhaps friends?" "Come on," I bluntly said, "We're not going to be friends." "Well, we could be," said Natasha, "I am happy to give you a lift to and from work." "I've just told you," I firmly said, "Gary does that. God, I can't believe you're living next door." "Luke, I think you should stop complaining," said Natasha, "This isn't a problem for me, so I don't see why it's a problem for you. This doesn't have to be a problem at all. We might have different views on things, and I might be your boss in work, but outside of work we are simply neighbours. Luke, we're adults for God's sake. If you want to be friends then that's great. If you don't then that's a shame, but from what I've heard you could do with some friends." What do you mean by that?" I snapped. "Luke, I know about you falling out with Naomi and Ash and your Auntie," said Natasha, "Giving everything up and throwing away your friends and family to move in with a woman you've known two minutes. Not the most mature move is it? But it's your life. I would have thought someone in your boat would grab every opportunity to make some new friends." "Look, I don't know what you've heard," I bluntly said, "But my life, and whatever has or hasn't gone on with me, Naomi and Auntie Meryl is none of your business. Me, Nikki and Leo are happy here in Sandown." "Good," said Natasha, "Maybe you'll be happy with a neighbour who's a friend." "No thanks," I bluntly said, "I think you need friends more than I do." "Meaning?" said Natasha. "Meaning you've p*ssed everyone off on this island with all your QCUC proposal sh*t, and the development of The Hive. You're the one desperate for friends not me." "Luke, some people might be p*ssed off," said Natasha, "Namely you and your little gang of friends, or should I say ex-friends. You might be p*ssed off, but I didn't p*ss you off. You p*ssed yourselves off. The Hive and my proposals got a lot of backing from island residents. I know you don't like that Luke, but you'll just have to live with it. Now if you want to try and be neighbourly and friendly then we can try that. If you don't, then I'll bid you good day and see you at work tomorrow." I scowled at Natasha and then turned around and stomped back home.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now