Entry 1057: Monday 19th August 2019

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Entry 1057
Monday 19th August 2019

Well, the good news is that I am feeling A LOT better than I was feeling yesterday. Nikki's dodgy chicken must have worked its way through my system, but the bad news is that Nikki still hasn't showed up.

I went to Cowes to see Mum, Cyn, Mike and Leo and we had a good talk about all the recent goings on. When I walked into Sails Café, the woman who works behind the counter when Trudy isn't there gave me a stern but rather worrying look. "Don't worry," I said, "There's going to be no trouble today. My girlfriend isn't with me." The café had been cleaned up, and the broken tables and damaged chairs had been replaced with cheap looking plastic chairs. I walked over to our usual table, joined Mum and the others and gave Leo a big cuddle. "Well, I heard you certainly had a day of it yesterday," said Mum. "Oh, don't," I said, rolling my eyes, "It was awful." "Cyn's just been telling us all about it," said Mum, "I don't know whether to be shocked or impressed. I mean, I don't mean to be funny, sausage, but I never thought a less than average looking boy like you would ever get one woman in your bedroom, let alone four." "Thanks, Mum," I bluntly said. "Did Nikki come back?" asked Cyn. "No," I said, "God knows where she is?" "Well, I think you're better off without her," said Mum. "Lynn's right," said Mike, "All she does is hurt you." "Hang on," I said, "Let's just stake a step back here. Since Nikki started her counselling, she hasn't laid a finger on me." "She pushed you out of the way when you tried to get in between her and Naomi," said Mike. "Yeah, but that wasn't violent," I said, "And anyway, let's remember that she's got a good reason to kick off this time. She came home and saw me naked and sweaty in bed whilst Natasha, Cyn and Naomi were hidden in the wardrobe. I think she's entitled to be angry. If I came home and found her naked and sweaty in bed with three blokes hidden in the wardrobe, I think I'd be raising more than an eyebrow." "Yeah, but it's you," said Mum, "Nikki, should know by now what a clumsy sod you are, and about all the misunderstandings you get yourself into." "Maybe you should have just been honest, and said we came round to see if you were OK," said Sc-Fi Cyn. "Anyway, what's all this about you and Natasha having a snog?" asked Mum. "She snogged me," I said, "I didn't snog her. She was upset because of all this stuff going on with Tinsley. Look, Natasha's the least of my worries right now. Anyway, Nikki knows all about Natasha kissing me." "You told her!?" exclaimed Mum. "Yeah, why?" I asked. "That's bl**dy suicide," said Mum, "I'm surprised she didn't chop your b*llocks off." "Maybe we should remember that DESPITE me telling Nikki about Natasha snogging me, and DESPITE all the sh*t that went on in here the other day with her and Naomi, and DESPITE everything that went on yesterday when she found Naomi, Natasha and Cyn hidden in the wardrobe, she has not once been violent towards me. So, what does that tell you?" "That she's biding her time," said Mum. "No," I snapped, "It means that the counselling she is having is clearly working." "Luke, you might be right," said Cyn, "I hope you are, but perhaps Nikki hasn't been violent towards you during all of the debacles you've just said because there were people around." "Exactly," said Mike, "She wants to get you on your own." "There was no one around when I told her about Natasha kissing me," I said, "She could have kicked off then but she didn't." "It doesn't mean she's gone all calm and sensible," said Mum. "And it doesn't mean she's still really violent," I said. "Naomi might have something to say about that," said Mum, "Or have you forgotten about the cat fight they had in here the other day." "Naomi gave as good as she got," I said. "Nikki started it though," said Mum, "There's no way I'm letting you take my grandson back to live with that nasty piece of work." This really p*ssed me off. "Excuse me," I firmly said, "But he's my son, not yours. If I want to take him back to Sandown then I will." "Come on," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "We've been through all this. Let's not argue." "Are you feeling better now?" Mike asked me, changing the subject, "Cyn said you were really poorly." "Yeah, I was," I said, "I think it was that chicken pie Nikki cooked. I don't think the chicken was cooked thoroughly." "Oh, God," gasped Mike. "What?" I asked. "You don't think she tried to poison you, do you?" "Oh, Mike, don't be ridiculous," I said, rolling my eyes, "Nikki, might be many things but she's not a killer." I noticed the concerned expressions on Mum's and Sci-Fi Cyn's face. "Oh, come on you two," I said, "Don't look like that. Do you seriously think Nikki's been trying to kill me?" "Well, maybe not kill you," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "But perhaps she wanted to hurt you." "Yeah," said Mum, "See you suffer. See you in pain." I looked slightly disturbed by this suggestion. Not because I thought it was outrageous, but because I was worried that Mike, Mum and Cyn might have a point. I shook my head and pulled myself together. "No," I firmly said, "Knock it off. Nikki wouldn't do that. I just had some 24-hour bug thing. I'm fine now."

I'm back at home but I have been thinking about what Mike, Mum and Cyn were saying. As much as I hate to admit it, their comments have left me wondering. Would Nikki really put something in her pie to make me ill? If she would then I really don't think we can have a future together. Maybe I should just ask her outright, but that might cause her to kick off. She seemed surprised when she saw that I was ill. Wouldn't she be smug and less surprised seeing me so ill, if she was the one who made me ill? Oh, I don't know. I don't suppose it matters at the moment because she's not here and I don't know where she is. I hope she comes home soon. We need to get this sorted and I want Leo back home with me. Mind you, after Mum's b*tchy comment, I was tempted to walk out of the café with Leo there and then, and bring him back home with me. Mum had better watch her mouth.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now