Entry 1149: Tuesday 19th November 2019

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Entry 1149
Tuesday 19th November 2019

Blade has been taken into custody by GRID but the whole plan about giving Blade the fake cure and getting the baby back didn't exactly go to plan.

I woke at home feeling rather anxious about the day ahead. I took a deep breath, got out of bed, sorted Leo out and then took him downstairs and handed him to Auntie Meryl who sat in the living room with Mum. "Right," I said, putting my coat on, "I'll be back later." "What do you mean?" asked Auntie Meryl, "Where are you going?" "Out," I firmly said. "Well, I can see that," said Auntie Meryl, "I didn't think you were just coming in. You're taking a break from your job. What reason have you got to be out of the house before 9am?" "Something's going on," said Mum, "I reckon it's got something to do with you and Mia whispering in the kitchen yesterday." "Yeah, what's going on?" asked Auntie Meryl. "Yeah, we're not stupid," said Mum, "We pick up on things you know." "Look," I firmly said, "I just have something to do, and right now I can't really go into detail." "More bl**dy secrets," said Auntie Meryl, "It's like being in a soap opera." "Look," I said, "You'll find out everything sooner or later. Don't worry." Find what out?" asked Mum, "So, there is something going on? Tell us. We want to know." "He said we don't need to worry," said Auntie Meryl, "And we all know that's code for; get rid to sh*t yourselves. It's like hearing someone on EastEnders saying, 'it's going to be the best Christmas Walford's ever had'. You might as well book the hearse there and then." "I'll be back later," I said, as I started to leave. "Wait," said Mum, stopping me from leaving, "I'm worried now. You've got that look on your face. That looks that suggest you're going to deal with something bad." A short silence followed. "I'll be back later," I said. Looking at Mum's anxious expression I left the house and made my way to GRID HQ.

When I arrived at GRID HQ I walked into the reception area, told the receptionist that I need to see Tinsley and that it was urgent. I took a seat on one of the white shiny clinical chairs in the waiting area and waited for about five minutes, and then he appeared. He slammed open the double doors next to the side of the reception desk, and with a furious look on his face he stormed over to me. I quicky stood up, felt nervous and threw an anxious expression at Tinsley as I flashed him an award smile. Tinsley stormed right up to me and with an angry look on his face and he looked me right in the eye and aggressively said "Talk." "I'm meeting Blade at 12pm today outside the old yacht club on Cowes seafront," I quietly said. "He's approached you?" Tinsley asked. "No, he approached Mia," I said. "Mia?" said Tinsley, "That dumb dizzy dame?" "Yeah," I said, "He wanted her to have some time with her daughter before you guys take her." "How the f*ck does that arsehole know we're planning on taking the baby?" asked Tinsley. "Well, I suppose it's obvious to him." I said, "He used to work for GRID, didn't he?" "I know that you dumb pr*ck," snapped Tinsley, "I don't have amnesia. When did that thicko Mia tell you all that he'd approached her?" "Yesterday.," I said. "Yesterday!?" exclaimed an angry Tinsley, "And you're only telling me about this now?" "Mia needed time to go see Blade and arrange a meet," I said, "It was late yesterday when she told me Blade suggested 12pm outside the old yacht club." "So, Blade picked the place?" said Tinsley. "Yeah," I said. "Hmmm," said a reflective Tinsley, "There might be a reason for that. He could be up to something.  OK... Let me get this right, Mia told you that Blade told her he wants to meet you at 12pm to hand over the baby in exchange for this fake cure. That right?" "Yes," I said. "And how the Hell do you know that Mia hasn't told Blade that you'll come here and tell me so we can set a trap to grab Blade?" "Mia made me promise not to tell you," I said, "I didn't exactly make that promise to her, but I did give her the impression that I wasn't going to tell you." "You gave her the impression that you weren't going to tell me but then you HAVE told me?" said a confused Tinsley. "Yeah, well I'd rather deal with Mia being in a mood with me than you," I said. "You're learning Luke," said Tinsley with a smile, "You just went up a little notch in my measure of respect." I smiled slightly. "Don't go shooting your load," said Tinsley, "I said a LITTLE notch. You're still a limp d*ckd little prick." "Look, I just want all this sh*t over with," I said. "Why would Mia want to help out Blade?" asked Tinsley, "He was going to kill the father of her baby back in Whitby." "She's grateful to Blade for giving her some time with the baby," I said, "I think she feels like she owes him. She feels sorry for him." "Sentimental sh*te," said Tinsley, "You did the right thing coming to me, Warm. This is what's going to happen."

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now