Entry 1060: Thursday 22nd August 2019

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Entry 1060
Thursday 22nd August 2019

Mum has been here 24 hours and she is driving me mad! I think getting her to come and stay with me might have been a mistake. If I didn't get see to Leo, I'd chuck her out. Whilst I'm feeling impatient with my Mum, I had an exchange with Tinsley at The Hive today which has left me feeling rather confused and VERY angry.

I woke up and saw that Mum had made breakfast, sorted out Leo and tidied the living room. It was quite nice I suppose but I don't want her interfering and making a fuss. The light in the bathroom isn't as bright as it was and I asked Mum about this. "Have you done something to the light in the bathroom?" I asked her as she was frying some eggs. "I changed the lightbulb," said Mum, "It's not as intense." "It's not as bright," I bluntly said. "You're welcome," said Mum. "No," I bluntly said, "It's not a thank you, Mum. I liked the light when it was brighter." "Sausage," said Mum, "You may have been blessed with a lovely personality... Sort of... But you were never blessed with stunning looks like your Mother. You don't want to wake up in the morning, go into the bathroom, switch that light on and look in the mirror and see all those clogged pores, horrible spots and unsightly blackheads looking back at you, do you? That bulb I've put in means you won't be able to see how horrific your complexion is when you get up in the morning, meaning you'll be able to look in the mirror for longer and put your face on. Oh, that reminds me. I'll take Leo into Sandown today. I'll see if I can find some better toothpaste than the one you're using. No offence, but it's proper cr*p. No wonder your teeth are so badly stained. If you want to sort things out with Nikki, you'll have a better chance if you don't have yellow gnashers. I looked in your drawers too. You've got underpants with M written on the back. Now if M still stands for medium and not massive, then I think we need to get you some new underwear. No offence sausage, but I don't think you've been a medium since Bet Gilroy left Coronation Street." "OK, right, that's it!" I snapped, "I KNEW this would happen." "Knew what would happen?" asked Mum. "This!" I snapped, "You interfering. Putting me down." "I'm trying to help," said Mum, "And I'm not putting you down. I'm giving you useful, constructive feedback." "You're basically calling me a hideous bloke, with an ugly complexion, yellow teeth and an arse so fat it won't fit into my underpants." "Aaaaw, now sausage," said Mum, "Come on. I would never say anything like that to you." Mum frowned with confusion and looked at my face. "What's that?" she said, "What have you got on your face? Looks like a bit of toothpaste." Mum licked her thumb and rubbed it against the left side of my face, rubbing off the toothpaste. "Ugh! Get off you dirty cow!" I loudly snapped, taking a step back, "I don't know where your bl**dy thumb's been." "Oh, stop moaning," said Mum, "You don't want to go to work looking like you don't know how to brush your teeth." "If I had decent light in the bathroom, I might have been able to actually see my frigging teeth." "I remember being in a dark room once and struggling to see what was being put in my mouth," said Mum. "Right! That's it!" I loudly said, "I'm going to work. I can't listen to any more of this." I then stormed out of the house.

On the way to work I told Gary that Mum had been with me for less than 24-hoirs and was already driving me mad.

After having the usual boring few hours at work, I was coming towards the end of my shift and decided to have a cup of tea in the staff room before heading home. As I walked towards the entrance to the staff room, I wasn't looking where I was going, and I ended up literally bumping into Tinsley. I jumped back and gasped. "Oh God," I said, "I..." "Look, where you're f*cking going, you stupid piece of sh*t," snapped Tinsley. "Yeah, sorry, Richard," I quivered, "I didn't know you were here." "Richard?" said Tinsley, "Who are you my f*cking Mother? My name is Commander Tinsley." "Yeah, sorry," I said. "Well, f*cking say it then," said Tinsley. "Err... Commander Tinsley," I said. "Say, sorry Commander Tinsley," said Tinsely. "Err... Sorry Commander Tinsley," I trembled. "That's better," said Tinsley. He then started to walk off but I stopped him by calling him back. "Hang on," I said, "I... Err... Well, I don't suppose you've seen Nikki, have you?" "Why would I?" Tinsley said. "Well, I'm just asking around," I said, "We've had a bit of a falling out and she hasn't been home for a few days." "Oh?" said Tinsley, with a big smile on his face, "I see some things don't change. "Well, I'm sure we can sort it all out," I said, "When she comes back, we'll have a good talk and smooth things over." "Ha!" laughed Tinsley, "You think you can smooth things over with that crazy b*tch?" "Well, we all have our ups and downs in relationships," I said, "I know that you and her had some ups and downs, didn't you?" "And what the f*ck does that mean?" snapped an intense Tinsley. "Nothing," I said, with fear in my voice, as I took a few steps back, "Nothing at all." Tinsley took a step closer to me and stared at me with that crazed look on his face. "You tell me right now," sniped an angry looking Tinsley, "Tell me right now, or so help me God I'll...No... Wait." Tinsley took a step back and replaced his angry expression with of smugness. "I bet I know what that b*tch has been saying," said Tinsley, "I bet she's been telling you I was the one who abused her. Yeah! I bet that's it. I'm right, aren't I? Come on Warm, don't stand there sh*tting yourself, tell me what she said. Did she say I used to hit her?" I just froze to the spot with obvious fear splattered across my face. I didn't know what to do for the best; tell the truth, lie or just stay quiet. Tinsley could see I was scared. He laughed and then unbuttoned his army top and lifted up his t-shirt to reveal a scar just above his belly button. "See that?" said Tinsley, "That's where the b*tch stabbed me." Tinsley then lowered his collar to reveal a small scar on his neck. "See that?" he said, "That's where she threw a wine glass at me." Tinsley then rolled up one of his sleeves to reveal a weird looking mark on his upper arm. "That's where she poured boiling water over me," said Tinsley, "Thankfully I was able to get out of the way before she got to my face. I didn't physically abuse her. She physically abused me, and from that scar on your cheek, and the look on your face, I'd say she's physically abusing you." I froze to the spot in a state of absolute shock. All this time I thought Nikki was the way she was because Tinsley was violent towards her, but it was her that was violent towards him. THE LYING B*TCH! "Has she faked an injury yet?" asked Tinsley, "Put make up on her face to make it look like she's got a black eye? So, she can make out you're the violent one not her? Has she done the whole emotional blackmail thing and taken an overdose in front you, yet?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Tinsley was basically describing mine and Nikki's entire relationship. As I remained stood there, frozen in shock and not uttering a word, Tinsley had some final words of advice for me. "Listen Warm," he said, "I don't give a toss what you and that psycho ex of mine do or don't get up. I honestly couldn't give a f*ck, but if she is telling people that I'm some sort of wife beater, you'd better tell her that I won't put up with that. I showed restraint when we were married. I won't show restraint now. If she tells people I'm a wife beater I might just have to do something to prove her point. Tell her to watch her mouth or else... Oh, and here's a little bit of free advice. I get that a tosser like you probably finds it hard to get a woman, but if she's not there when you get back home, count your lucky stars and change the f*cking locks. If I were you, I'd rather be single than in a relationship with that mad b*tch." Tinsley then walked off. A few moments later Gary appeared and I spent the next half an hour just ranting and raving and offloading to him about what Tinsley had just told me. I couldn't believe what I'd heard. I still can't! Gary asked me what I was going to do, and I honestly don't know what I'm going to do...

I arrived home to find that Mum had completely rearranged the furniture. The annoying thing was that she'd done a good job, and that the living room looked a lot better, but I just hate how she's acting like she can do what she wants. The passive aggressive insults aren't helping either. When I walked into the house, I half expected to see Nikki there in the middle of having a big argument but Mum said Nikki hadn't been round. I can't believe she's avoiding me like this. She must really be p*ssed off, but after what Tinsley told me, I'M THE ONE THAT'S P*SSED OFF! I told Mum, and as predicted she kicked off. "I knew it!" Mum loudly said, throwing her hands in the air, "That woman is a manipulative little liar! Please tell me this is enough to open your eyes and kick the b*tch to the curb." "Mum," I firmly said, "I'm angry. OK? I'm proper angry." "Well, you've got every bl**dy right to be," she said, "I never thought I'd say this but I think your Auntie Meryl was right. Nikki is nothing but a vicious lying manipulator." "Oh God," I said, "I fell out with Auntie Meryl because of her... And then there's Naomi. Sh*t! I sided with Nikki and believed her when she said Naomi hit her. Naomi never hit her at all. Well...Not when Nikki said she did. Oh, for f*cks sake, what a mess." "You can say that again," said Mum, "Finally starting to smell that sh*t that's right in front of your nose, are you?" "How the Hell did I get here?" I exclaimed. "You've been manipulated, sausage," said Mum, "By a woman who's clearly a master manipulator. So, come on then. What are you going to do? If I were you, I'd go up to that bedroom and throw all of her clothes in a bag, and then when the b*tch comes back, you chuck her and her cheap clobber out in the street. Chuck that frigging cat out too. It's weird." "I'll speak to Nikki when she gets home and we can talk about it all," I said. "Talk?" exclaimed Mum, "I think the time for talking has well and truly gone. Jesus, Luke, what does this woman have to do to get you to chuck her? Beat you up? She's done that. Lie to you? She's done that. Fake injuries? She's done that." "Yes, alright, Mum," I snapped, "I get the message." "Please tell me you're not seriously thinking of staying with her after all this are you?" said Mum, "She's a violent nutter who you can't trust, and I bet she was never kidnapped either. I bet she was the one who sent herself all of those nasty letters." "Look, right now, I don't know what I'm going to do," I snapped, "I'm angry and I'm p*ssed off, and I need to calm down before I make any decisions about anything."

I made Mum promise not to talk about Nikki for the rest of the evening. It took all of her energy to keep her mouth shut and bite her tongue, and she, Leo and I actually ended up having a lovely evening together. Mind you, Mum wasn't the only one who had to suppress her anger. I was bottling up some intense fury. It was bad enough when I found out Nikki hadn't been to see her counsellor, but now to find out that she was in fact the one abusing Tinsley... Well... My anger is off the scale, and whilst I can now see that she probably lied about Naomi hitting her, I really don't think she'd lie about being kidnapped and fake all those nasty letters, as Mum suggested. Either way I'm still pretty angry, and me and Nikki need to have a serious talk. I need to do something, but I just don't know what to do!

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now