Entry 1105: Sunday 6th October 2019

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Entry 1105
Sunday 6th October 2019

I'm out of quarantine and back at Mum's and Auntie Meryl's. I think I just want some time on my own to get over all the drams that's happened over the last few weeks.

The day started when I was rudely awoken by all the horribly bright strobe lights in my clinical room being turned on. I gasped, opened my eyes but then quickly closed them again when I felt the uncomfortable brightness of the lights hitting my eyes. "What the Hell is going on?" I snapped and I slowly started to wake up. "Get the Hell out of that bed you last mother f*cking son of a b*tch," an angry voice said as I was suddenly picked up off the bed and thrown across the room. I hit the wall, rubbed my eyes, and then opened my eyes and started to acclimatise. Laid in the floor in a pathetic heap, feeling rough and wearing only my flappy gown I looked up to see an angry Tinsley towering over me with his hands on his hips. "What's going on?" I said, looking over at the clock, "It's 5am. What are you doing?" "What I'm doing," said an angry Tinsley as he grabbed me by the scruff of my neck and picked me up off the floor, "Is asking you some questions you pathetic piece of p*ss." Tinsley grabbed hold of a chair from the corner of the room and threw me on to it. "God, do you have to be so rough?" I said, slowly trying to adjust to the horrible light and from being roughed about by Tinsley. "Rough?" said a crazed Tinsley as he leaned down towards me and looked me right in the eye about one centimetre away from my face, "I haven't even started yet you limp d*cked little f*ck. Now I want to know... exactly... what the F*CK happened yesterday."

I told Tinsley about everything that went on yesterday; from me suspecting that Nikki was in the bushes listening to me and Naomi, to Nikki blindfolding and w*nking me off as she pretended to be Naomi. At this point the lies followed. As per what I agreed with Sci-Fi Cyn I told Tinsley that Nikki fell whilst she was in the bathroom and that she came back as an infected and that this is when I killed her. Tinsley started pacing the room with a suspicious look on his face. "So," he said, "Let me get this right. You're in bed not feeling very well. You feel a hand reaching for your tiny little c*ck and you assume it's Naomi. You shoot your muck, take your blindfold off and see that Naomi has collected your jizz in a pot, but you then find out it's not Naomi, it's Nikki." That's right," I said. "Then," continued Tinsley, "She knocks you out, ties you up, you get free and find Nikki in the bathroom believing that she's used a turkey baster to put the jizz she collected from you, inside her so she can get pregnant. Is that what you're saying?" "Well, yeah," I said, "I know it sounds far-fetched but..." "Shut up," said Tinsley, interrupting me, "Yes. If this involved anyone else, I would say this was very far-fetched. Very far-fetched indeed, but I know Nikki. This is sort of thing she would do. My guys did a few basic tests on her. She wasn't pregnant. She was never pregnant with your baby." "Well, I guessed that" I said, "But she had a pregnancy test. She had a scan picture. A Doctor even told me that she was definitely pregnant. Dr Jones." "Lies," said Tinsley, "Whilst you've been in here, my men have been doing some digging. The hospital has no record of seeing Nikki about any pregnancy. They have no record of her being pregnant at all." "What about the pregnancy test and the scan picture?" I said. "Fake," said Tinsley, "Turns out that a pregnant woman who went to Nikki's Pilates class gave her one of her own scan pictures and positive pregnancy tests." "My God," I gasped, "How could someone go to such lengths." "She was unhinged," said Tinsley, "It's pretty obvious she was kicking the sh*t out of you. You just didn't tell me the details. Probably because you didn't want me to chuck her in The Hive. Some would call that commendable. Some would call it stupid. I'd call it very f*cking stupid, but if you don't tell me someone's giving you sh*t I can't do anything about it. All you had to do was tell me the details about what Nikki was doing and I could have dealt with it." "I wanted to deal with it on my own," I said, "Anyway, I thought she was pregnant with my kid." "But she wasn't, was she?" said Tinsley, "She was never pregnant, was she? She got someone from Pilates and some fake Doctor to help her lie. I'll deal with them." "Look," I said, "Please don't do anything horrible to them." "What?" said Tinsley, "Two people who helped that f*cking lunatic lie about being pregnant with your kid and you don't want them punished?" "No," I said, "There's been enough sh*t happening around here because of Nikki. Please. Just leave it." "Fine," said Tinsley, "I'm busy enough without having to clean up your sh*t, but what I really need to know is how Nikki died." This is where the lie took place. I felt nervous and could feel my heart beating as Tinsley gave me a tense stare. "Come on, Warm," said Tinsley, "Talk. I've got a dead body on my hands, and I want answers. I get all the w*nking off and stealing your jizz, sh*t but what I don't understand is how you were able to kill Nikki." "Well, I've killed infected before," I said, "Stab them in the head. Not nice, but it's what you do. She turned infected, ran at me and I stabbed her in the head. It all happened so quickly. What tests have you done on Nikki?" "I don't need my guys to do lots of tests on her to know that she died from hitting her head," said Tinsley, "She's a got a great big bruise on her forehead. It's obvious. What I want to know, is this... Did you lash out in anger when you thought she was stealing your swimmers, and kill her yourself?" "No!" I loudly said, which was sort of the truth, "She tried to stop me from grabbing hold of the turkey baster and that's when she fell." "So, you didn't push her?" asked Tinsley as he once against leaned close to me and starred me in the face and looking me right in the eyes. "No," I said, feeling intimidated by Tinsley's threatening stare, and lying through my teeth, "I didn't push her. She fell." Tinsley maintained his tense stare as he leaned in uncomfortably close to me. I felt very uncomfortable. It was like Tinsley could see right into my soul, like he knew I was lying. "Hmmmm," said Tinsley sounding suspicious, "I can't tell if you're lying to me. "I'm not," I said, "I..." "Shut it," said Tinsley, "Answer me this you scrawny sack of sh*t... If everything happened so quickly, how did you find time to go downstairs, get a knife from the kitchen, return to the landing and dispose of Nikki?" Guilt appeared on my face. Sh*t! I thought. Tinsley's on to me. "What makes you think I got the knife from the kitchen?" I asked. "Well, you didn't get it from your f*cking bedroom, did you?" snapped Tinsley, "Do you keep sharp knives in your bedroom?" "Err... Yeah," I said, "We keep sharp knives in all rooms just in case an infected gets in. Anyway... Err...this sharp knife is one I sometimes keep on my person. Since you took over and said we can kill infected if we need, I've started carrying a knife around with me." I was surprised at how good I was at lying. Tinsley looked right into my eyes with a very tense look on his face. "I think you might be lying," he quietly said in a scary tone. "I'm really not," I said. "Well..." said Tinsley, "The problem is that I can't prove it. Now I don't like being lied to, Warm, and I don't like chaos running amuck on my island, but as the person who's dead was a f*cking psycho, and I can't prove whether or not she died because she fell or because you killed her, I'm not going to lose too much sleep over it, but you need to get something straight, if I find out you're lying to me, or undermining me or trying to take the p*ss out of me, you'll be joining your dead ex because I will f*ck you up big time. Are you hearing me you pathetic sack of sh*t? I will f*ck you up." Tinsley was very close to my face and I'm not sure if he could tell, or even if he cared but he was talking so loudly and aggressively that spit was flying out of his mouth and hitting me in the face. "Yeah, I'm hearing you," I said. Tinsley left, leaving me in the room to see out my 24-hours.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now