Entry 1146: Saturday 16th November 2019

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Entry 1146
Saturday 16th November 2019

STILL no Blade!

Naomi and I met with Mike, Trudy, Sci-Fi Cyn, and Mia today. We had a chat and cuppa and talked over the current situation. "I can't stay in here for too long," I said, as I slurped my tea and took a bite out of my slice of cake, "If Tinsley finds out I'm sat in here with you lot drinking tea and eating cake, he'll probably have another go at me." "I don't blame him, Luke," said Mia, "You need to be out there so Blade's going to come out of hiding. I want to get my little girl back." "I know you do," I said, "Look, I'll finish my tea and then I'll start wandering around again." "I'm really starting to think that Blade never made it back here," said Trudy. "Don't start with all that again," I said. "Well, I think it's true," said Trudy. "Why doesn't Tinsley just send loads of his men to search the island and smoke Blade out?" asked Mike. "That would take too long," said Sci-Fi Cyn. "Oh?" Trudy, sarcastically said, "Whereas Luke wondering around the island like the littlest hobo is taking no time at all?" "We don't know where on the island he is," said Sci-Fi Cyn. "Well, he's bound to be in or around Cowes," said Naomi, "He wants to meet Luke. He could be looking at us right now." We all looked over our shoulders and cautiously looked out of the window. "You're looking for a bloke that might not be here," said a blunt Trudy. "Look," snapped Mia, "We don't know if Jon is here or not and we're never going to find out if Luke stays there eating cake and drinking tea! So, eat your f*cking cake, drink your f*cking tea, stop talking and get out there!" I was very surprised and rather angry to hear Mia having a go at me like this. "Don't talk to me like that!" I angrily snapped, "I'm trying to get your baby back!" "No, you're not!" snapped an angry Mia, "You're sitting there drinking tea and eating cake! Don't you care about my daughter!? Get out there!" "Mia!" exclaimed Naomi. "No, it's OK, Naomi," I snapped, giving Mia an angry look, as I stood up and put my coat on, "I'd better get out there. Just remember this, Mia, I'm out there trying to bring Blade out of hiding because of all the sh*t your Dad's done. I'm doing more than he is to get your daughter back! You need to direct your anger at your bl**dy Father. Not me." Feeling angry I stormed out of the café and walked around Cowes and spent time going up and down the deserted areas of the beach but after a few hours Blade didn't show up, so I went back home.

At this point I was feeling bad about snapping at Mia, so after spending some time with Mum, Leo and Auntie Meryl, I went next door to see Mia and sort things out. I knocked on the door, Mia answered and there was an immediate awkwardness. "Oh..." she said. "Yeah," I said, "I thought we should talk." "OK," said Mia, "Come in." I walked into Mia's living room and was rather surprised at what I saw, Ash was sat on the sofa talking to Harold. "Oh..." I said, looking at them both frowning with confusion. "Hi, Luke," Ash said, looking rather awkward. "What are you doing here?" I asked him, looking rather bemused. "Oh relax, Luke," said Harold, noticing the suspicion on my face, "Ash and I used to work together remember? I was his boss once upon a time." "I was a husband once upon time," I bluntly said, "Things change." "Especially if your wife turns out to be a lesbian," said Harold. "Look, what are you doing here?" I snapped at Ash, "Hasn't this arsehole got you into enough trouble?" "I just thought I should come round and speak to him," said Ash. "What about?" I asked. "Well, I don't think that's any of your business, do you?" Harold said to me with a smug grin on his face. "You can't trust this pr*ck," I firmly said, looking at Ash but pointing at Harold, "You know that. Don't believe a word he said. Look at all the trouble he got you into when he made you hide a vial of the virus." "Oh?" said Harold, "You mean when you came to the prison begging me for my help... Help which I gave. I also steered the cargo ship from Whitby back to Cowes and got you and your girlfriend and Michael back here safe and sound. I've helped you out Luke and look how you speak to me. In fact, I don't think you've said thank you." "It'll take a lot more than a boat trip to get me to say thank you to you," I snapped, "Anyway, we put up with sh*t off you in Whitby, and we looked out for you when we were running from infected." "Which I thank you for," said Harold, "Would you like to say thank you to me?" I gave Harold an angry look as he stared back at me with an annoying smirk on his face. "Look," said Ash, "I just thought seeing as Harold was out of prison that we should have a chat. That's all. We did used to work together, Luke. There's no need to kick off." "You said you realised you can't trust him as far as you can throw him," I said to Ash. "Well, that's a shame," said Harold, "I trusted Ash. That's why I gave a vial of the virus to look after... and he didn't let me down... Well, not until he really had to." "It wouldn't surprise me if you've got other vials of the virus scattered all over the island," I said. "Maybe I have," said Harold, "But I'm not going to tell you." "Whatever," I snapped, "Ash doesn't trust you anymore. He doesn't even like you." "Really?" said Harold, looking at an awkward looking Ash, "Is that true Ash?" "It's not straight forward," said Ash. "What do you mean, not straight forward!?" I exclaimed, "The man's a manipulative liar! You know that!" "He's not like that anymore!" snapped Mia. "Oh, Ash," said Harold, "This is disappointing to hear...and after all I did for Yvonne." "Shut up," Ash snapped. "Who's Yvonne?" asked Mia. "No one," Ash said firmly as he stood up, "I need to go." "Ash what's going on?" I asked. "Nothing," said Ash. "Do you remember when Yvonne introduced us, Ash?" Harold asked, with a smug expression. It was like he was trying to make Ash feel uncomfortable. It was working. "Ash, why are you letting him get to you?" I asked, "Just ignore him." "I've got to go," said Ash. Ash put his coat on and quickly left leaving me giving a smug Harold an angry stare. I was left feeling really confused at Ash's behaviour. There's something he's not telling me. I'll have to have a chat with him and find out what's going on.

Me and Mia went into the kitchen and had a good chat. I apologised for having a go at her and she apologised for having a go at me. "I just want to be with my daughter," said Mia, "I only held for a few seconds and then she got snatched away from me." "I know," I said, "But you're not going to be able to bring her up like a normal baby. You know that don't you?" "Are you saying my baby isn't normal?" snapped Mia. "Mia," I bluntly said, "She's infected. She spat at Seth and killed him. She's anything but normal. Come on, you know that!" "Luke, do you think I'm stupid?" Mia bluntly asked me. I stared at her and wasn't sure what to say. "Maybe ask me another question," I said. "I don't know what's going to happen with my daughter," said Mia, "I know something bad is probably going to happen at some point, but I really don't want to think about that right now. I just want to think about spending as much time with my baby as I can and enjoying motherhood." "Yeah, but Mia, you're going to get attached," I said, "And that's going to make it harder when you have to... Well..." "No one knows what's going to happen, Luke," said Mia, "I just know that I want to spend as much time with my daughter as possible." "Even if it means she could kill you and the people around you?" I asked. "I'll be careful," said Mia, "I think I've learned to look after myself, and despite what you might think, I'm not completely stupid. Anyway, come on. You can come upstairs to the bathroom and help me clean my gash. There's still a bit of blood on it from Whitby."

I'm glad Mia and I had a chat, but I am left feeling rather concerned and confused about Ash's behaviour. I'll have to have a chat with him. I suppose I'll spend tomorrow walking around Cowes again and hoping he'll come out of hiding. 'Can't carry on like this forever though.

Naomi and I STILL haven't had sex. I want to, and it's good to know that she wants to too, but my mind is on all this stuff going on with Mia and Blade. Once that's all done and dusted maybe me and Naomi can finally get round to having sex. I bl**dy hope so!

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now