Entry 1098: Sunday 29th September 2019

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Entry 1098
Sunday 29th September 2019

I think I'm going to murder Nikki if she carries on like this! How Naomi hasn't swung for her after the sh*t she pulled today I'll never know.

The day started with Naomi and waking up together in my bed. Sophie was still asleep in her sleeping bag on the floor as Naomi and I smiled at each other and looked into each other's eyes. "I'm probably going to have to go home today," said Naomi. "Why?" I asked sounding disappointed," I like having you here." "I know," said Naomi, "But I don't like Sophie being around Nikki. Anyway, we said we'd take things slowly. It's like we've moved in together." "Well, would that be such a bad thing?" I asked. "Luke, we're supposed to be taking things slow," said Naomi. "Yeah, but we've lived together before," I said, "We've lived together in loads of different places." "Yeah, but not as a couple," said Naomi. "So?" I said, "We know each other well, enough don't we? Me, you, Leo and Sophie. A nice little family. Doesn't that sound good?" "Yeah," said Naomi, "But things aren't that straight forward, are they? In case you forgot, your pregnant ex is in the next room, and things are complicated to say the least. I know me and Sophie have been here a few days, but I don't want to live here permanently, not with Nikki behaving the way she is. There's a reason you don't have Leo here remember?" "Don't you want to live with me?" I asked. "Well, actually I think I do," said Naomi, "Just not right now, and certainly not here with you AND Nikki. Let's just deal with one thing at a time, and sort all this pregnancy stuff out." "What do you mean, sort all this pregnancy stuff out?" I asked. "Oh, Luke, I don't know," said Naomi, "I just don't think that right now is the right time to talking about moving in. I mean come on, it's not exactly the best time, and how would it all work? Me and Sophie aren't going to move in here, and you won't leave this place and move in with me." "I might," I said, "I really might. I told you, I'm really starting to have doubts about getting involved with Nikki and the baby. I told you what I said to her. I'd rather have you than her and the baby." "Yeah, well you can't just abandon your baby, Luke," said Naomi, "Come on. Let's get up and focus on having a nice Sunday."

Naomi and I got out of bed, and as I staretd to get dressed, Naomi took Sophie into the bathroom. As I wandered around my room, putting on my t-shirt and zipping up my jeans, I looked through the crack in the door, as Naomi had left it slightly ajar and I noticed Nikki in her nighty and dressing gown stood at the tops of the stairs listening to Naomi and Sophie in the bathroom. I frowned with confusion, wondering what she was playing that, and then all of a sudden Nikki stood at the edge of the top stairs and yelled "NO! NAOMI! STOP! AAAAAAGH!!" and she then threw herself down the stairs - like LITERALLY just jumped off the top step and tumbled down the stairs like a sack of potatoes Naomi quickly appeared out of the bathroom and stood at the top of the stairs looking down at the hallway with horror on her face. I ran out of the bedroom and quickly joined Naomi on the landing looking down at Nikki who was laid in heap on the floor of the hallway looking sorry for herself and aching in pain. "Oh my God," gasped Naomi, "It looks like she fell down the stairs." Naomi ran down the stairs and joined Nikki on the hallway floor. "Nikki, are you OK?" Naomi asked with a sense of urgency in her voice, "Let me check you over. Does it hurt anywhere? Luke! Get down here and help." "With a blunt and unenthusiastic look on my face I slowly plodded down stairs, joined Naomi and Nikki and looked down at the emerging scene with disapproval on my face. "Luke, don't just stand there," snapped Naomi, "Go radio through to GRID. Nikki, tell me where it hurts." "Get off me," snapped Nikki, yanked her arm away from Naomi, "Luke. She did this. She pushed me down the stairs. I told her to stop. I asked her what she thought she was doing, but she had this crazed look in her eyes. She just snapped. She gave me this big hard shove and she pushed me down the stairs." Nikki gave me a sorrowful sad look. She even had tears running down her face. God, she's good. Too good. Naomi stood up and looked horrified. "Nikki, why are you saying this?" asked Naomi, "I was in the bathroom with Sophie. This is you lying about me punching you all over again. I'm trying to make an effort Nikki. I'm trying to get on with you, but you're making it so difficult with all these lies you're telling." "I'm not lying," wept Nikki, rubbing her shoulder and wincing in pain, "I know I've told some lies, but I'm telling the truth this time. Look at me for God's sake. Luke your girlfriend pushed me downstairs." "Luke, I REALLY didn't," said a firm Naomi. Fixing my gaze on Nikki, I slowly knelt down and looked her in the eye with a furious expression on my face. "You're a liar," I intimidatingly said. "I'M NOT LYING!" screamed Nikki. "Yes, you are," I firmly said, "You know... I would have called you a liar anyway, because this is the sort of f*cked up sh*t that's got your name written all over it, but I'm calling you a liar because I saw you through the crack in my bedroom door. I saw you stand on top of the landing, screaming and pretending that Naomi was having a go at you, and then throwing yourself down the stairs." "No," snapped Nikki, "It was Naomi." "I saw you," I said. "No!" snaped Nikki, "I..." "I saw you," I once again said, interrupting Nikki. "You THREW YOURSELF down the stairs?" gasped Naomi, "You didn't just fall and blame me? You actually threw yourself down stairs on purpose!?" What the f*ck is wrong with you!? You're pregnant!" "I've had enough of this," I said, "I'm serious this time. I've had enough." "What does that mean?" asked Nikki. "It means I want you to apologise to Naomi right now, or I walk away," I said. "Luke, none of that matters right now," said Naomi, "We need to make sure the baby's OK." "The baby's fine," snapped Nikki. "How do you know?" I snapped, "Got x-ray vision?" "I just know," snapped Nikki. "Look we just need to get you to hospital," said Naomi. "No," I firmly said, "She's not going anywhere until she says sorry to you. I mean it Nikki, "Say sorry or I'm going to walk out of here right now and never come back." Nikki looked angry. It was like I had her over a barrel, and that she knew it and didn't like it. "Fine!" snapped Nikki, angrily standing up and quickly switching from wounded victim to stroppy b*tch, "I'M SORRY! There! Are you happy!?" Nikki quickly grabbed her coat off the hook and started to put it on.  "Where are you going?" asked Naomi. "Like you care!" snapped Nikki. "Nikki, you've thrown yourself down the stairs," said Naomi, "You could be injured. You might have hurt the baby." "My baby, is not your concern!" snapped Nikki. "Come on," said Naomi, "Let me drive you to the hospital. I'll drive." "No!" snapped Nikki, "I'll make my own way to hospital. I don't need any favours from you!" "It's fine," said Naomi, "I'll drive you." "No, you won't," I firmly said, "You heard what she said. She can make her own way there." Nikki froze to the spot and looked at me with a shocked expression. It was like she was waiting or maybe hoping for me to say something that would make her feel like a victim. "Go on then," I bluntly said, "Off you go. We don't want to stop you. Oh... and don't forget to tell them that you got injured throwing yourself down some stairs because you're a f*cking lunatic," Nikki gave me a furious stare, zipped up her coat and then stormed out of the house slamming the door. I gave a huge sigh. "I don't know how much more of this I can take," I said. "Luke, you can't let her go on her own," said Naomi, "She could be really injured, and she could have hurt the baby." "Well, I guess we'll find out when she gets back later," I said, "You need to stop being so nice to her. She just threw herself down the stairs and tried to frame you for it. I mean what sort of nutter does that to herself? And why? Well, we know why don't we? She wants to do all she can to make life as difficult for us as possible. Maybe I should just come and move in with you and Ash?" "Yeah, but you've just more or less told her that if she said sorry to me, you wouldn't walk away," said Naomi, "You can't leave after she HAS said sorry. That makes you as bad as her." "At this point, I don't care," I said, "Anyway I don't think me walking away when I said I wouldn't, is as bad as her throwing herself down the stairs and trying to frame someone for it." "This is just getting really out of hand," said Naomi, "You know I think me and Sophie should go back to Cowes. Sorry Luke, but I don't think it's good for Sophie to be a round Nikki." "I suppose you've got a point," I said, sounding disappointed. "It's a bl**dy good job she is pregnant," said Naomi, "Because if she wasn't, I'd have kicked the sh*t out of her by now."

Naomi, Sophie and I spent the morning together and then we ate lunch together and after that Naomi left and took Sophie back to Cowes. It all felt kind of sad. It was like she couldn't wait to leave. I can kind of see why. Nikki is making things as difficult as possible, and if I don't want Leo around Nikki, I can see why she wouldn't want Sophie around Nikki. When Naomi left, I gave her a kiss and told her I'd come and see her in Cowes tomorrow when I catch up with everyone else.

I spent the rest of the day stomping around the house in a right mood, and when Nikki eventually returned home, I was all geared another for another heated confrontation. I was sat on the sofa in the living room with my arms crossed and a seriously p*ssed off look on my face. "Where's Naomi?" Nikki asked. "Gone back to Cowes," I said. Nikki looked very pleased with herself. This made me angry. I angrily stood up off the sofa and pointed aggressively Nikki. "No!" I snapped, "No! You don't get to do that! You don't get to be all smug. Naomi is my girlfriend and I love her, and you...You are a twisted vindictive lying lunatic, and I hate... HATE, that I'm having a baby with you." "Well, that's a shame," said Nikki, "Because the baby's fine, and apart from a few bruised bones, I'm fine. The Doctor said I was lucky. Thanks for asking." "Victim playing again I see," I said, "It's your default position isn't it? Naomi didn't want Sophie around a lunatic like you." "Naomi's opinion of me really doesn't concern me," said Nikki. "Well, it should," I said, "Because her opinion matters to me. You know, Naomi has tried to be nice to you. She's tried to make the effort and you've just gone out of your way to make it difficult." "Make an effort!?" exclaimed Nikki, "Are you kidding!? She tried to poison me and kill me by pushing my down the stairs!" "NO, SHE F*CKING DIDN'T!" I furiously shouted, as I picked up a vase from the mantelpiece and threw it across the living room, causing it to smash against the far wall and fall to the floor in pieces. Nikki flinched, but I didn't get care, I'd gotten to the end of my tether. "All you do is lie," I said, "That's all you do. Lie, Lie, lie, lie, lie, and even when you're caught lying you still keep trying to lie and make out it's everyone else who has the problem. Naomi didn't poison you, you stupid tw*t. There was nothing wrong with the food she cooked and she didn't push you down the stairs, you delusional, lying b*tch, YOU threw YOURSELF down the stairs, and YOU KNOW THAT! JUST STOP F*CKING LYING!" "Well maybe you should look at yourself," snapped Nikki, "Ask yourself why I feel so upset and left out. If you and Naomi were nicer to me, things might me better around here." "No!" I angrily snapped, "No! You don't get to do that! You don't get to turn the tables. Things round here are a f*cking nightmare, because YOU'RE a f*cking nightmare! Naomi has done her best to make an effort with you, and you have done your best to make it difficult. You know I've been siting here hoping that you'd come back and say that you've lost the baby." "Luke, that's an awful thing to say," said a shocked Nikki. "Yeah, it is," I said, "That's how far you've pushed me, and if you keep pushing me, I'm just going to move back to Cowes, leave you here alone and have nothing to do with you or this baby." Nikki was about to say something but I interrupted her. "No," I said, "No. There's no conversation. That's not happening. Sort your sh*t out or I'm off!"

I stormed upstairs and laid on my bed trying to calm down. I felt so angry. I really hate to say this, but whilst I'm thinking about what it might be like to move to Cowes and just leave Nikki to it, the fact that she is pregnant with my child would be something that weighed heavily on my mind. Mum did say that I could be a Dad to the baby without having to live with Nikki. Maybe she was right all along. Something for me to think about perhaps...

I can't believe Nikki threw herself down the stairs and tried to make me think Naomi did it. What am I talking about? Of course, I can believe it, it's exactly the sort of thing the f*cking psycho would do. I can't believe she's going to be the mother of my child.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now