Entry 1122: Wednesday 23rd October 2019

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Entry 1122
Wednesday 23rd October 2019

Naomi, Mike, Sci-Fi Cyn, and I saw Helen today and we got to the bottom of what happened at GRID HQ when we were all evacuated to the bunkers

The four of us had just finished having our usual chat over a cuppa in Sails Cafe, and when we left, we saw Helen coming out of the Sainsbury's. "Look!" gasped Mike, pointing down the High Street, "There's Helen." Without thinking I quickly marched over to Helen with Naomi, Cyn and Mike behind me. "Helen," I said, calling over to her. Helen stopped, looked up, and I saw the exhaustion on her face. She looked well and truly worn out. pale skin, bags under her eyes, messy hair. She just looked worn out. I also noticed that she had a bottle of rum in her hand. It looked like she'd just bought it from Sainsbury's. "Bl**dy Hell," I said, noticing how rough Helen looked. "What do you want?" she asked. "Helen, where have you been?"said Sci-Fi Cyn, "I've been so worried." "What do you mean, what do we want?" I snapped, "Isn't it obvious. We want some answers." "We have got some questions," said Naomi. "You look a bit rough, Helen," said Mike. "Oh, you can all f*ck off," snapped Helen. I was expecting that response. "You what?" I said. "You heard," snapped Helen, "Cyn, don't act like we're best friends. We're not. You've walked past me many of times at HQ and never said a word to me. Luke, you might want answers, but maybe I'm not in the mood to give them. Naomi, same applies to you. You want answers? Go whistle, and Mike, yes, I do look rough. Having a load of infected run at you, after you've seen your own daughter killed in front of you tends to take it out of you." "We're sorry about Elanor," said Naomi. "No, you're not," snapped Helen, "You're not sorry at all. I was there remember? You all wanted Kayleigh and Eleanor dead. Well now you all got what you wanted." Helen, none of us wanted this," said Sci-Fi Cyn. "No, but I know exactly why you're coming over here to see me," snapped Helen, "None of you care about me. Luke just said it, you want answers. You just want to make sure I didn't tell Tinsley that you all knew about Eleanor and Kayleigh. Well don't worry. I didn't tell him anything. Maybe I should have done." "Helen, what actually happened?" asked Sci-Fi Cyn, "I managed to get inside GRID HQ but the whole place was a state of chaos. How did Tinsley find out about Kayleigh and Eleanor? They were deep underground. It's not like he could have just stumbled across the room that they were in." "I don't know," said Helen, "I was in my lab and then the alarm went off and when I went outside, I saw infected running around all over the place. The whole building was shut down, and I tried to get to safety but Tinsley grabbed hold of me. He took me to a room down the corridor where Elanor and Kayleigh were. I had no idea how they'd gotten from the room underground to this room down the corridor. No idea. I still have no idea. Tinsley shot and killed Kayleigh in front of me, and told me that he had figured Elanor was my daughter, and he said he knew that I must be hiding something from him. He said if I told him everything, he would let Eleanor live. I told him about how Ryde really got blown up. I told him about Catherine killing Katie Shortman and the others, and how Blade and I knew about it, and I told him how it was really Tara who stopped the world nukes from being detonated. I told him how Jon and I had placed Elanor and Kayleigh underground. He shot Eleanor point blank in the head and gave me this smug grin saying, thanks for the info. He said I should be lucky that he didn't kill me for betrayal. He said he still needed me to work in the lab, but that if I kept any more secrets from him, he'd kill me." "Oh, Helen, that's awful," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "I'm so sorry." "So, you didn't tell him that we knew about all this?" I asked. "Luke!" snaped an angry Naomi. "I'm sorry but we have to know," I firmly said. "No," snaped an angry Helen, "I didn't mention any of you. I had my daughter's blood is on my hands. There wasn't room for yours, and I think there's been enough death recently." Helen staretd to walk off. "Helen, wait," I said. Helen stopped and looked at me with a frown on her face. "Do you have any idea of how Tinsley found out about Kayleigh and Eleanor?" I asked. "No," said Helen, "I asked him, but he wouldn't tell me. I think one of you must have said something to him." "None of us said anything," said Naomi, "And neither did Trudy or Roz. Seriously, we all promised." "Yes," said Helen, "But one of you must have broken your promise, and that's why I was going to dob you all into Tinsley, and stand back and watch him kill you, imprison you or throw you into The Hive... but that's when I decided I didn't want anyone else to be killed. I don't want any more deaths, and I certainly don't want to feel responsible for yours. Right now, I just want to forget that I saw my daughter killed in front of me, and get drunk. Please. All of you. Just leave me alone, because right now I don't know who told Tinsley about Kayleigh and Eleanor, but I'll tell you this... If I find out one of you broke your promise and told Tinsley about Kayleigh and Eleanor... I'll make you pay." Helen then walked off, swigging gulps out of her bottle of rum. "God, I feel so sorry for her," said Naomi. "Yeah," said Mike, "She needs to run a comb threw her hair. Those split ends don't do her any favours." "I'm talking about the death of her daughter," Naomi firmly said. I can't help but wonder how Tinsley found out about Kayleigh and Eleanor, but for now, I'm just thankful that Tinsley doesn't know we all knew about Kayleigh and Eleanor, and that Helen isn't going to tell him.

Naomi and I spent later afternoon with Mum and Auntie Meryl chatting about all the recent goings on, the evacuation to the bunkers, Tinsley being a psycho and using the infected for target practice and recent confrontation with Helen. Whilst Mum and Naomi were in the kitchen making tea me and Auntie Meryl ended up having a little chat about the explosion in Ryde. "I killed all those people, didn't I?" said Auntie Meryl, looking sad. "Now, you listen to me," I said, as I stood up and sat next to Auntie Meryl, gently rubbing her arm, "What happened in Ryde wasn't your fault. I've told you, it's Blade's." "But it was me that pressed all the buttons on that eye patch thingy," said Auntie Meryl. "Yes, but you didn't know what you were doing," I said, "You were just pressing buttons and clicking on the screen. You had no idea it was going to blow an entire town." "But it did," said Auntie Meryl, "Maybe I should just turn myself in?" "What do you mean, hand yourself in?" I asked, "You haven't done anything wrong. Tinsley knows it was you who had the iPad. He knows Blade gave it to you by accident. Auntie Meryl if you really had done something wrong Tinsley would have been round here before now to have a go at you and lock you up. He hasn't. That's because he knows it was all Blade's fault. Not yours. Look, if I gave Leo a box of matches and a can of petrol to look after and he ended up setting fire to the kitchen, would you blame me or Leo." "Well, I'd blame you," said Auntie Meryl. "Exactly," I said, "You don't give a toddler marches and a can of petrol and you don't give a pensioner an iPad with software on it that can blow up a town. You've done nothing wrong. I know that, Tinsley knows that, Blade knows that, we all know that." I think I managed to convince Auntie Meryl that she is absolutely not to blame for what happened at Ryde. Bl**dy Jon Blade! He really does have a lot to answer for!

Naomi and I told Ash that we saw Helen. He seemed rather interested in how she was. "She's not going to kill herself or anything is she?" Ash asked. "I don't think she was that down," I said. "Why are you so bothered about Helen's wellbeing?" asked Naomi, "You've hardly ever said two words to her." "She just seems like a nice person," said Ash, "I'm just showing concern. It must be horrible to lose your daughter." "Yes," Naomi firmly said giving Ash a stern stare, "It is. You've shown more concern about Helen and her dead daughter than you ever have for me and mine." "Oh, I'm sorry," said a blunt Ash, "I forgot we had to make everything all about you." "You what?" snapped Naomi. I managed to calm things down and stop Naomi and Ash from arguing but I was left wondering why Ash is so interested in Helen's wellbeing. Maybe he does fancy her?

Leo and I are sleeping over at Naomi's tonight. We slept over last night. It was nice to cuddle in bed with Naomi, but we still didn't have sex. I am starting to think something is going on, and that there's something she's not telling me. Maybe I should just leave it for a while and see what happens but I think I'm going to have to say something at some point. Leo's started getting into the habit of jumping into bed with Naomi when I'm not there. Every time I'm out of the bedroom he runs over to the bed, climbs in and tries to squeeze Naomi's boobs. He's 22months old! I don't want to be raising a sex pest! Every time I go to the bathroom or down into the kitchen and I come back to see Leo has jumped int bed with Naomi, it kills the sexual mood that I hope to get going. Leo sometimes cuddles in bed with me and Naomi. It's nice, but I need some alone with Naomi. We're never going to have sex if Leo keeps sleeping between us. Let's see what happens tonight...

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now