Entry 1042: Sunday 4th August 2019

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Entry 1042
Sunday 4th August 2019

I'm back at home, and it feels good.

Me and Nikki are getting on, we've had some great sex, we've kissed and cuddled and enjoyed each other's company. We've watched films, played board games and experimented with cooking different food in the kitchen. Nikki made this home-made chicken pie thing. It tasted a bit odd and I'm not completely sure she cooked the chicken enough (I guess I'll find out tomorrow!) but it was nice to eat something different and spend time together doing different things.

We went into Sandown and bought me a few new items of clothes; some tops, t-shirts, jeans and jumpers etc. We didn't spend too many of our credits, but after Nikki cut up all of my clothes I was in desperate need for some new threads.

I spoke to some of the GRID soldiers that were hovering around, and I got them to radio through to The Hive. I start back there tomorrow. Gary's going to pick me up in the morning. I really don't like working there, but at least it will give a sense of routine and some sort of normality will start to be restored.

It's weird not having Leo here. I really do miss not seeing him and not being with him, but until Nikki has had a few counselling sessions, and until things have been calm between us for a while, maybe it is best that he stays in Cowes with Mum and Trudy. I thought there was a chance that Nikki might kick off when I told her about Leo staying in Cowes, but she was actually very calm and understanding about it. "I suppose it makes sense," she said, "We've got a lot going on right now, and as much as I love Leo, it will be nice for us to have some adult time together as couple." Nikki made a good point, and I was pleasantly surprised with her calm response. Long may this continue.

I wonder if anything's changed at The Hive. It will be nice to see Gary, and I'm curious to see what Natasha's done about Tinsley. She was rather angry with him and his attitude the last time I saw her.

Nikki starts her first counselling session tomorrow. I think this could be the start of something really positive for our relationship.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now