Entry 1130: Thursday 31st October 2019

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Entry 1130
Thursday 31st October 2019

I have no idea where I am! I've just woken up to discover that I'm trapped inside the back of a small shipping container that appears to be on the move! I'm also not alone in this shipping container! I have no idea what the Hell is going on!

After yesterday's drama Naomi and I met with Mike and Sci-Fi Cyn at Sails Café and debriefed about yesterday's chaos. "How the Hell do you get yourself into these scrapes?" asked Sci-Fi Cyn, "My God. Going up to an off-duty GRID soldier wearing lederhosen, saying you're looking for Cox." "Well, I thought he looked quite nice in his lederhosen," said Mike. "Not really the point, Mike," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "You're lucky Naomi spoke to that guy and sorted things out." "I know," I said, smiling and giving Naomi a kiss. "He's a silly sod," said Naomi, "But he's my silly sod." "I told him he just needed to talk to you," Sci-Fi Cyn said to Naomi, "How the Hell do you expect to sort problems out if you don't talk to each other." Yeah, OK, Tricia," I said, "Lesson learned." We carried on chatting and after a while I looked at my watch and realised, I had to make my way to the prison to start my shift. "Right," I said, finishing off my tea, "I need to go." "Where are you going?" asked Mike. "Prison," I said. "What for?" asked Mike, "You weren't really prostituting yourself yesterday." "I'm going to work," I said, "It's Thursday. I do my shift at the prison don't I?" "I thought you did the morning shift?" asked Sci-fi Cyn. "Sometimes it's the morning shift," I said, "Sometimes it's the afternoon shift. Sometimes it's an evening one. I'm doing 4pm – 8pm today. I'll see you all later." I gave Naomi a kiss and walked towards the café door to exit the building when Naomi appeared and stopped me from leaving. "What's up"? I asked. "I just want to let you know something," Naomi whispered in a seductive tone. "OK..." I said, feeling confused. "Well, I might just pop along to the prison later and see if I can see you," said Naomi as she seductively stroked the side of my neck. I immediately got an erection! "Oh my God!" I gasped, "You mean..." "Shush," said Naomi, pressing her finger against my lips, "Don't spoil it. Just go to work, and if I manage to get inside the grounds of the prison, I'll see if I can find you. I can't promise anything, but let's just see what happens." "But how will you get into the prison?" I asked, "You don't have a pass." "I'm sure I'll come up with something," said Naomi, as she gave me a kiss on the lips, "I'll see you later... Maybe."

Cut to me wiping surfaces and mopping floors in the prison feeling excited that Naomi could appear at any moment and start having sex with me. I was so excited and VERY horned up! I was coming towards the end of my shift when one of the prison officers asked me to move some crates from inside a small shipping container that was near the loading bay, to a storage room that was near the medical wing. I walked through the loading bay, walked outside, and found three small shipping containers. I had no idea which one stored the crates, so I decided to check out the container that was nearest to me. I climbed up on to the ledge and entered the medium sized steel shipping container and found myself in a dark dingy space with a rather musty smell. I had a small torch in my pocket. I turned it on and moved it around the inside of the container to see I could find some crates. It looked like there was something at the back of the container. Frowning with confusion, and tightly holding my torch I walked to the back of the container to inspect the contents and discovered some tarpaulin and couple of plastic boxes with not much inside. Thinking that these were clearly not the crates I was expected to collect, I turned round and prepared to exit the container when suddenly, I gasped in fright and nearly jumped out of my skin. "AAAAAAGH!!" I gasped. It was Naomi. She'd appeared out of nowhere and was looking at me with a sexy and seductive look on her face. "Jesus Christ," I gasped, "You scared the sh*t out of me. My heart is racing." "Well," Naomi said seductively, as she pushed me to the back of the container, "I said I'd come to say hello, and if you think your heart is racing now, it's going to be pumping out of your chest when you hear what I've got planned." "Here?" I said, feeling anxious but also excited, "Like right here? Right now?" "Oh yes," said Naomi, smiling at me and nodding her head seductively, "Right here... Right now." "But what if someone comes in?" I asked. "It makes it even more exciting," said Naomi winking at me. "Are you sure about this?" I asked, "I thought you wanted it to be special? Doesn't feel very special having a shag in the back of a shipping container." "Oh, I'll make sure it's very special," said Naomi. "I don't think I've got any condoms," I said. "I've brought condoms," said Naomi. "Let me just check out the other containers first," I said, "I've got to find these crates." "Luke," Naomi firmly said, "I don't give a toss about crates, and I don't give a toss about what's in the other containers. It's what's in this container that I'm interested in. I'm here, right now, in front of you." Naomi quickly unzipped her jeans, lowered them to the floor and then took off her top. She was now stood in front of me in her bra and knickers. I could have shot my load right there and then! The creates suddenly went out of my mind. I ripped off my t-shirt, unzipped my jeans, pulled them off and threw them to the ground. Naomi and I were just about to get down to it when we were rudely interrupted by the sound of a loud alarm. "What's that?" asked Naomi. "Oh, who cares?" I said, feeling all horned up, "Come on. Let's do it." "Is that the evacuation Tannoy?" asked Naomi. "No!" I emphasized, "The evacuation alarm doesn't sound like that." "Well, what is it then?" asked Naomi. "Oh God," I exclaimed, "Who cares. It's probably something to do with the prison. Come on, I thought you wanted to do this." "Luke, something's going on," said Naomi sounding serious, "Maybe someone's escaped." Suddenly, the big steel door to the container quickly opened slightly and a sack with a pair of someone's legs sticking out of the end was thrown into the back of the container. "What the Hell!?" said Naomi. We staretd to walk towards the person whose upper body was concealed by the sack when suddenly, a small metal cannister was thrown into the container. The container door was slammed shut and strong knock-out gas quickly staretd to emanate from the cannister and fill the container. "IT'S GAS!" I yelled. Wearing only our underwear Naomi and I ran towards the doors and started to bang on them as we shouted out for help, but out yelling and banging lasted only a couple of seconds as we succumbed to the gas and passed out...

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now