Entry 1043: Monday 5th August 2019

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Entry 1043
Monday 5th August 2019

I went back to work today and Nikki started her counselling sessions.

As usual Gary gave me a lift to work, and asked me how I'd been. I could see him looking at the cut on my face, that was now thankfully starting to fade away. "Me and Nikki have had a few ups and downs," I said. "Tell me to mind my own business, Chuckles," said Gary, "But did she do that to you?" "Yeah, she did," I said, "But it's not all bad news. Nikki has sort of admitted that she has a problem with violence. She's seeing a counsellor. In fact, she has her first session today." "Well, that sounds positive," said Gary, "A step in the right direction. Are you sure you're OK to come back to work?" "Yeah," I said, "Natasha gets on my nerves and I'll definitely be staying out of Tinsley's way if he shows up, but I think it helps to keep busy."

When I arrived at The Hive, I thought I'd better see Natasha. I assumed she'd want to have some sort of a harsh word with me about my absence but when I arrived in her office, I was surprised at what I found. The office was full of banners and placards. Natasha was painting something on to one of the placards. "Oh, Luke," she said, as she continued painting and not really paying attention to me, "What do you want?" "I thought you'd want a word with me," I said. "A word?" said a confused Natasha, "What about?" "Well, about my absence," I said. "Absence?" said Natasha, "Have you been somewhere?" Natasha hadn't even noticed I'd been away for a week! Charming. A part of me was offended, but another part of me was glad that I hadn't been on Natasha's mind because it meant a confrontational b*llocking wasn't going to take place. "Oh, it doesn't matter," I said, "What's going on in here? What's all this stuff?" "I'm getting ready for a protest," sad Natasha, as she picked up a placard and showed it to me. I read the words painted on the placard in capital letters. "SACK COMMANDER TINSLEY," I said, reading the words on the placard, "Oh God." "I'm gathering QCUC supporters and we're going to protest outside GRID HQ. We're going to get rid of Acting Commander Tinsley, and we're going to get the QCUC proposals reinstated." "Natasha, this is a really bad idea," I said. "Well, you would say that wouldn't you?" said Natasha, "You never wanted these proposals to get voted in." "Natasha, Tinsley is an unhinged dangerous bully," I said, "If you do this, you'll p*ss him off." "I think he should be worried about p*ssing me and my supporters off," said Natasha, "He's going to rue the day he ever p*ssed me off and scrapped the proposal. You mark my words." I know I don't like Natasha that much, but I actually feel a bit worried about her. I think Tinsley is capable of anything. I told her to be careful, but she thinks I'm overreacting. I don't think I am. I wouldn't be surprised if Tinsley ends up chucking Natasha and her supporters in prison. I really don't think this protest is a good idea, but at the end of the day it's up to her.

I met up with Mike, Mum and Cyn at Sails Café in Cowes. Mum brought Leo and it was nice to see him and spend some time with him. It's sad not being able to see him every day, but the good thing about it is that I really enjoy spending time with him. He started flicking my nose today and every time he did it, he giggled. He's got the cutest laugh I've ever heard. I told Mum, Mike and Cyn about me going back to work, Natasha preparing a protest, and about me and Nikki getting on. "So, she hasn't hit you or anything?" asked Mum. "No, she hasn't," I said. "You promise to tell us if she does hit you, don't you?" asked Mike. "Yes, yes, yes," I said, "But I really don't think you've got anything to worry about. This is all in the past now. Nikki's having her first counselling session today. Things are starting to become positive." I could tell Mum, Mike and Cyn weren't convinced.

When I got home, I asked Nikki how her first counselling session was. She responded by giving me a very stern look. "It's MY session, Luke," she firmly said, "I don't have to talk about it, if I don't want to." "OK," I said in a defensive tone, "I'm just asking. I don't want details and I just want to know how you think it went, that's all." "It went fine," said Nikki. "How often are you going to be having sessions?" I asked. "What do you mean?" asked Nikki. "Well, will you have them weekly or fortnightly?" I asked, "How does it work?" "I'm going to have sessions about three times a week," snapped Nikki, "Well, that's how it's going to start off. Anyway, what's with all the interrogating questions?" "It's not an interrogation," I firmly said, "I'm just showing an interest. If you don't want me to ask, I'll just shut up, but I need to know how it's going." "Why do you need to know?" snapped Nikki, "They're my sessions, not yours." "I need to know because I want to know what impact it's having on you – on us, on our relationship. I need to know because it will give me an idea of how things are between us, and then I can decide when we get Leo back." "Leo, doesn't need to be with your Mum for too long," said Nikki, "In a few days once I've a had a few sessions, you should bring Leo back."

I don't know why Nikki was getting all defensive with me asking her about her counselling. Isn't it obvious that I would be interested? Especially considering what's happened. I know Nikki might want to get Leo back here in a few days, but I only want to bring him back here when I think it's right to do so.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now