Entry 1059: Wednesday 21st August 2019

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Entry 1059
Wednesday 21st August 2019

Still no Nikki. I'm starting to get worried now, but a decision was made today, meaning I'm not at home on my own. I also found something out that's caused me to feel angry and confused.

I went to Cowes to once again see Leo, with Mum, Mike and Sci-Fi Cyn. We all had a chat over a cuppa and I told them all how worried I was about Nikki's absence. "I think you should be glad to see the back of her," said Mum, "If I were you, I'd be down on my knees praying that she doesn't come back." "Mum, we all know what you'd be doing if you were down on your knees," I said. "Luke, try not to worry," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "I'm sure she'll turn up. She always does." "Not always," I said, "Remember when she was kidnapped." "Yeah, but she still turned up, didn't she?" said Mike. "I bet she wasn't even kidnapped," said Mum, "I bet she lied and made the whole thing up." "Mum!" I exclaimed in outrage. "Well, I can't be the only one thinking it," said Mum, "I spoke to Trudy and even she thinks she lied about it." "Oh, well," I sarcastically said, "If Trudy thinks she's lying then it must be true!" "Well, Trudy thought Kyle was the one that ran you over, and she was right about that," said Mum. "Trudy also thought it was a good idea to become a Nun so she could kill another Nun," I said, "I'm not sure she's the best person to be listening to." "Babes, do you really want Nikki to come back?" asked Mike. "Yes, I do," I said, "I'm sure we can sort all this out." "You shouldn't have all this cr*p to sort out in the first place," said Mum. "Oh, come on, Mum," I said, "Everyone has their ups and downs. Your knickers have been up and down more than me and Nikki." "You shouldn't be having problems like this," said Mum, "Christ, you've only been together a few months." "She did lie about the injuries on her stomach, remember?" said Sci-Fi Cyn. "It doesn't mean she's lied about being kidnapped," I said. "Yeah, well, I wouldn't put it past her," said Mum, "You should change the locks whilst she's not in the house." "Mum," I bluntly said, "Will you please shut up. I'm feeling stressed, I've got a headache, I don't know where my girlfriend is, I'm missing my son and I feel down, so your comments aren't helping." A short silence followed. Mum looked guilty. "I'll move in with you," she said. I frowned with confusion. "Sorry?" I said, as I shook my head in dismay, "Is that supposed to be your attempt at a solution? Some weird shot in the dark at making me feel better?" "I'll move in with you," said Mike, in an excited tone. "No one's moving in with me!" I exclaimed, "I'm alright." "No, you're not," said Mum, "You've just said you feel down, so I've made up my mind. I won't move in with you exactly, but I'll come and stay with you for a bit." "I don't want you staying with me for a bit," I said, "I don't want anyone staying with me for a bit! If Nikki comes home and finds you there, she'll hit the roof." "And I'll be there to make sure she doesn't get violent," said Mum, "You need to remember, I'm pretty good at self-defence and pulling off some pretty good combat moves." "You're usually pulling other stuff off," I said. "Look," said Mum, "I don't like the idea of you being left on your own. It's better than being with that violent bint, but it's pretty obvious you're sinking into depression. I'll come and stay with you. I'll bring Leo, so you can see him more often. I can help out around the house, and when – or if, Nikki comes back. I'll be there to make sure she doesn't hurt you. If you both manage to sort things out, I'll then come back to Cowes." "You can't leave Auntie Meryl on her own," I said, "I know we're not talking at the moment but someone needs to be there to look after her." "Luke, the woman lived on her own for ages," said Mum. "She had a home help," I said, "If you move out, she won't have anyone." "We can all take it in turns to pop round and check on her," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "And like your Mum says, it'll only be temporary." "Yeah," said Mum, "If you and Nikki sort things out, sadly I will have to return to living with the old bag." We carried on talking and I ended up reluctantly agreeing to letting Mum come and stay with me for a bit. It was mainly so I got to see Leo more often. I made it very clear that Mum needed to go back to Cowes once Nikki re-appeared. If she comes home and sees Mum there, and I don't have chance to explain things, she'll hit the roof. Mike's not happy that Mum's staying with me and he's not, but I told him that once things had calmed down a bit that we could arrange a sleep over. That put a smile on his face.

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