Entry 1008: Monday 1st July 2019

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Entry 1008
Monday 1st July 2019

What a day! I left the house this morning, pretending to go to work so Nikki wouldn't twig that I had walked out of my job; I had a run in with Blade who, thanks to his big mouth, nearly told Nikki I was no longer working at The Hive, and Nikki and I have just got back from Sandown Beach after taking a look at the 'utilised infected'.

When I woke up this morning, Nikki asked me if I was feeling better. I had no idea what she was on about at first and then I remembered that I'd lied and said I wasn't feeling well. "Oh, yeah," I said, "I feel fine now," It must have been one of those 24-hour things." "Well come on," said Nikki, "You've slept in. If you're not ill and not you're not staying off work, you need to get a move on. Gary will be waiting for you." I quickly got out of bed and started rushing around, giving Nikki the impression that I was quickly getting ready for work, which of course I wasn't. During all of the rushing around, I banged my elbow on the side of the sink and that vicious devil cat jumped on me and nearly scratched my face. F*cking evil moggy. God, I hate that cat!

Once I was "ready for work" I gave Nikki and Leo a kiss, left the house and started to walk to the end of the street where Gary would usually pick me up. Obviously today was different because I was no longer working at The Hive, meaning Gary wasn't going to pick me up. I walked into the centre of Sandown and spent the day in The Beach Café drinking cup of tea after cup of tea. I sat at a table at the back of the café, out of the way so no one could see me. The woman who works behind the counter kept giving me weird looks. She's probably still thinking I'm some sort of oddball after I told her Sci-Fi Cyn was in the toilets doing drugs. I was able to stay out of the way and keep myself to myself, meaning Nikki would have no idea that I wasn't at work. I might have had six cups of tea and gone to the loo four times, but as far as I was concerned, I was a genius for staying out of the way.

I walked home from The Beach Café and timed it so I walked into the house around the same time as I would if I had actually come home from work. Nikki gave me a kiss and asked me how my day was. "Not bad," I said, "I stayed out of Natasha's way and spent most of the day cleaning cr*p and sweeping up sh*t." I then played with Leo for a bit. I've said it before, but I really do feel bad about lying to Nikki, but I just know she'll kick off if I tell her I quit the job and walked out. It'll all get sorted out once Blade finds me another job. Which I hope he sorts out sooner rather than later.

Early evening there was a firm knock at the door. "Bl**dy Hell," said Nikki from the kitchen as she was getting tea ready, "Who's that trying to bang the door down?" "I don't know," I said frowning with confusion and intrigue. I walked into the hallway, answered the door and saw Blade stood on the doorstep. He looked VERY stressed. With a pale complexion and bags under his eyes he looked exhausted. "Blade," I said, sounding surprised, "Are you OK? You don't look well." "Never mind about me," said an angry sounding Blade, "Cyn's told me you want to change your job. Now, what's all this about? I've got a lot on my plate Luke, I can do without any Luke Warm related dramas." "Shushhhhh," I quietly but urgently said to Blade, "Keep your voice down." "Keep my voice own?" snapped Blade, "Luke, what are you on about?" "Just be quiet," I said. "Luke, you can't just walk out of a job because you don't like it or because you're not getting on with your boss," said Blade. "Yeah, well you only gave me that job cos you knew I don't like Natasha," I snapped, "Is that why you plonked the b*tch next door to me?" "Luke," sighed Blade, rolling his eyes, "This might come as an Earth-shattering blow to your fragile ego, but believe it or not I have a lot more on my mind than you and your feelings." "Look, just get me another job," I firmly said, "I hate it there. The way that Natasha speaks to me is right out of order." "So, I can't say anything to get you to stay, can I?" said Blade. "No," I firmly said, "But don't come here when you get me a new job. Tell Cyn, and then Cyn can tell me." "Luke, I am not your bl**dy PA," said a firm Blade. All of a sudden Nikki appeared. "Everything alright?" she asked, "What's going on?" Blade started to speak but I quickly and urgently interrupted him. "Natasha!" I loudly said. "What?" said Nikki. "Blade came round because I wanted him to have a word with Natasha about how she's been talking to me like sh*t at work," I said. "Oh?" said Nikki looking confused, "But he spends most of his time in Cowes. Our walkie talkie won't reach that far. How did he know to come here?" "Cyn," I said. I gasped, suddenly realised that I had put my foot in it and accidentally let slip that I was still in touch with Sci-Fi Cyn. I quickly and loudly tried to correct my error. "Sin!" I loudly said, "Sin! Sin! Sin! Sin! Sin!" "Are you having some sort of a stroke?" Blade asked. "I'm just saying that... Err... That it's a sin our walkie talkie here in Sandown can't reach you in Cowes," I said, feeling relieved I had managed to cover up my slip of the tongue, "An absolute sin." "So how did Blade know to come here?" asked a confused Nikki. "I got Mum to ask him to come round," I said, lying through my teeth, "Mum lives in Cowes. Blade lives in Cowes, so I thought she could pop round to see him." Blade looked very confused and rather suspicious. "And why is he here again?" asked Nikki. "He's going to tell Nikki to stop talking to me like sh*t," I said, again lying through my teeth. "God, Luke," said Nikki, "You should be able to deal with this sort of cr*p yourself. I'm going to see to the tea." Nikki walked back into the kitchen and when she was out of earshot, I tried to explain the situation to Blade. "Luke, what the Hell is going on?" asked Blade. I was about to say something, but Blade interrupted me. "Do you know what?" he said, "On second thoughts. I don't think I want to know. I'm not interested. I don't want to get involved. Now, do you want me to have a word with Natasha or get you a new job?" "Forget about Natasha," I said, "Just get me a new job, and hurry up about it. Remember to tell Cyn so that she can tell me. Don't just show up here." "Luke, I am a very busy man," said Blade, "Now I don't know why you're lying to your girlfriend and keeping secrets from her, and like I said, I don't want to know, but I haven't got the time to be running around after you. I want you to think about staying on at The Hive. Give it a week or so and..." "A week!" I exclaimed. "Yes," said Blade, "If you think about it for a week or so and then your'e still sure you want a different job, let me know – via Cyn, and I'll see what I can do. Whilst you're having a week to think about it, I can have a think about potential replacement jobs." I rolled my eyes. I wasn't happy. I wanted a new job, NOW! "That's the offer Luke," said Blade," Take it or leave it." "I suppose I'll have to take it," I bluntly said, "But don't leave it much longer than a week."  Blade nodded and started to walk off. "Hang on," I said. Blade stopped and turned around to look at me. "What now?" he bluntly said. "Are you really going to allow infected to be put on the beach later on?" I asked. "Luke," said Blade, rolling his eyes, "You've got ears. You heard the announcement I made. As far as I'm concerned there's nothing more to say on the matter." "People are going to die," I said. "When they're bound, muzzled and weighted to the spot?" said Blade, "I doubt it." "This is all wrong," I said, "You know it is." "Luke, whatever I think doesn't matter," said Blade, "I'm trying to make this island into a fair society; a democracy." "Maybe we need good leadership more than we need a democracy," I said. "I'm doing the best I can," said a firm Blade. "When was the last time you ate?" I asked, "When was the last time you slept? You look exhausted." "Don't you worry about me, Luke," said Blade, "Maybe get your own house in order and focus on why you're keeping secrets from your girlfriend before you start showing concern for me." "Have you found out who kidnapped Nikki and who wrote her those horrible letters?" I asked. "No," said Blade, "Maybe we should just focus on the fact that Nikki is alive and well." "Is that your way of saying you're not looking into it anymore?" I bluntly asked. "Yes," Blade firmly said, "Now if I were you, I wouldn't p*ss me off any more than you're already doing. I'll think about allocating you another job and I'll liaise with Cyn who will liaise with you, but for now, just have the week to think about it. Bye for now." Blade then left.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now