Entry 1053: Thursday 15th August 2019

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Entry 1053
Thursday 15th August 2019

I met with Mum, Leo, Mike and Sci-Fi Cyn at Sails Café in Cowes today. We had a good chat and I broached the subject of coming with Nikki next time.

I was sat in Sails Café having a cup of tea and playing with Leo as we all slagged off Tinsley. Well... Mike wasn't saying anything bad about him. "I think he's a great guy," said Mike, "Those people stole cows, so you know what they say? If you can't do the time, don't do the crime." "That's the problem, Mike," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "There's no time to do is there? Tinsley's decided that if someone's behaviour meets his own personal level of being unacceptable, he'll just kill them. That's not a step towards civilisation. It's a step away from civilisation." "Exactly," I said. "Yeah, but we don't really have a proper legal or justice system, do we?" said Mike. "That's not a reason to chuck people into The Hive," I said. "Maybe we should say that we'd like to develop some sort of legal system?" said Mum. "I'm not suggesting anything to Tinsley," I said, "I'm just going to stay out of his way." "Good idea," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "That's what I'm going to do." "I think it's what we're all going to do," I said, "Mind you, Natasha isn't happy. I think she's planning on having a right go at him." "What's she complaining for?" snapped Mike, "She wanted to utilise the infected; what better way of utilising them than punishing criminals who steal." "Mike, we're trying to build a decent civilisation," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "It's what's separates us from all the killing that's going on over on the mainland." "Well, sometimes you just have to kill someone," said Mike. "Look," I said, "We can all agree that Tinsley is a total nutter, but I need to know something else. Have you all thought about me bringing Nikki here to see Leo the day after tomorrow?" Mike, Mum and Cyn exchanged awkward looks. I rolled my eyes. "Come on," I bluntly said, "Let's hear it. What have you got to say? You look really cynical about it." "We are," said Mum. "Well, Nikki has said that she can be polite and civil if you can be polite and civil," I I said. "Really?" said Mike, sounding surprised. "Yes," I firmly said. "Well," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "If Nikki can be polite and civil for the sake of Leo, I am sure we can be polite and civil for the sake of Leo too, can't we?" Sci-Fi Cyn looked at Mike and Mum, raised her eyes and gave them an expectant look. "Yes, OK," said Mum, rolling her eyes and sounding unconvincing. "If she can be nice to me, I can be nice to her," said Mike. "OK," I said, sounding pleased, "So everyone will make an effort? Yeah?" I looked at Cyn, Mum and Mike and got three head nods. "Let's just remember, this is all for Leo," I said.

When I got home, I told Nikki about Mike, Mum and Cyn being open to her coming with me to Cowes to see Leo next time I go. She seemed a bit suspicious, which I guess I can understand but she agreed to come with me, so right now things are looking positive. It will be nice for Leo to see Nikki, and if everyone can be polite and civil to each other, this should all go nicely without any problems. As Nikki and I were talking about her coming with me to Cowes the day after tomorrow, we started getting tea ready when there was a knock at the door. Knowing we don't get really get any visitors I frowned with confusion, made my way into the hallway and opened the front door. I was surprised to see Natasha stood on my doorstep with a smile on her face. This was out of the ordinary. I know she lives next door but we usually avoid each other. "Oh," I said, sounding surprised, "Hi."  "It's just a quick one," said Natasha, "I know you're probably getting ready for your tea, but I just wanted to say thank you. If you hadn't have convinced me yesterday that storming up to Tinsley and having a go at him was a bad idea, I could be dead now." "Well, he might have thrown you into the containment area," I said, "According to you, you wouldn't have been dead exactly; just infected." "I suppose," said Natasha, "I'd still rather not be infected. Anyway, let's not get into all that. I just wanted to say thank you." Natasha leaned towards me and gave me a kiss on the cheek, and she did this just at the moment Nikki appeared in the hallway. "Hi Nikki," said Natasha. Nikki didn't look happy. "Luke," said Nikki, ignoring Natasha, "Can you help me peel the potatoes please?" Nikki then walked back into the kitchen and I was overcome with a feeling of dread. "Anyway," said Natasha, "I know we haven't always seen eye to eye, and we differ when it comes to politics around infected, but credit where credit is due. I just wanted to say thank you. So, thank you." I quickly told Nikki I'd see her at work tomorrow, got rid of her and then closed the door. I took a deep breath, and walked back into the kitchen where Nikki was angrily chopping up potatoes. "OK," I said, preparing for a heated confrontation, "Let me explain. She just kissed me. I didn't want it. I didn't ask for it. She was just saying thank you. I..." "Luke," said Nikki, interrupting me "Calm down. I'm not a monster you know? A woman can give you a kiss on the cheek without anything sexual going on. Do you really think I'm that jealous?" This response REALLY surprised me. It was a pleasant surprise but still a surprise. "Oh..." I said, "OK..." "You told me that you convinced her that marching up to Richard T and having a go at him wasn't a good idea," said Nikki, "I can see why she would want to thank you." "Right..." I said, "Well... That's great. I guess this counselling you're having is really working." "Jesus, Luke," snapped Nikki, "Not everything I do or say has got anything to do with counselling. Can't you just credit me with being a good person?" "Yeah, sorry," I said. I gave Nikki a kiss and we continued getting ready for tea.

Nikki's response to Natasha kissing me might have surprised me, but I also felt relieved and really quite pleased at her response. It made me think her counselling was really working, but when I saw how vigorously she was chopping potatoes and how aggressively she was plunged the knife into the chopping board, I did wonder if she might be suppressing some of her anger. It makes me wonder if suppressing her anger is a good thing or a bad thing? I don't know. I'm just glad she isn't throwing plates at me or coming at me with a pair of scissors...

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now