Entry 1025: Thursday 18th July 2019

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Entry 1025
Thursday 18th July 2019

I'm back up and on my feet. I feel a lot better. It must have just been a 24-hour bug thing. My attention is no longer on how I felt yesterday; it's now on something I've seen today that I just can't get off my mind.

I went to work, and as soon as I walked into the facility Natasha was waiting in the courtyard entrance for me. With her arms folded she stood assertively in front of me with a serious look on her face. "Luke," she firmly said, "Can you come with me please?" Natasha turned around and walked towards the concrete monitoring station where her office was. I turned to Gary, who'd just given me a lift, rolled my eyes and shook my head in despair. I then followed Natasha and walked with her to her office.

Once in the office, I sat down on my side of the desk and Natasha sat down on hers. I was immediately reminded of when she called me to the office last time when she gave m a b*llocking and I told her to stick her job up her arse. "Right," said a firm-sounding and stressed-looking Natasha, "I'm going to make this brief because I'm very busy. The way you spoke to me when you were last here was not just unacceptable but it was disgusting. I won't ask for an apology because I doubt I'd get one, and I doubt you'd mean it if you did, but what I will say is this; I am the manager here Luke and I will not tolerate any more of your offensive comments or inflammatory attitude. If you are going to work here you do what I say, when I say, how I say. We have thousands of infected out there in the containment area, there's a lot more GRID soldiers here and we're all still reeling from the Ryde incident, all of which has created a lot more work so the last thing I need – any of us need, is someone like you walking around here like a stroppy teenager and making b*tchy comments." "God, you love the little bit of power you've got, don't you?" I said, "You..." "Luke," said a harsh sounding Natasha, interrupting me "This is not a conversation. I don't need your opinion. I don't want you to speak. This is me telling you how it is. Now I'm not an unreasonable woman and I do my best not to hold grudges. I think we should start on a clean slate, but know this Luke, if you step out of line, if you put one foot wrong or make any unhelpful or offensive comments, I will sack you, and from what I've heard that won't do your relationship any good." I really didn't like how Natasha was talking to me and I hated how she brought up my relationship with Nikki. As much as I hate to admit it, Natasha is right. If I got sacked or I walked out Nikki would probably kick off big time, and I can do without all that sh*t what with us trying to get on better. I gave Natasha a firm stare, flashed her a fake smile, nodded and then left. Patronising delusional b*tch!

Later on, I was doing some odd jobs and I saw Blade stood outside the monitoring station talking to a soldier. He looked very stressed. He plonked his backpack on the ground and then walked over to the other side of the courtyard to talk to another soldier. As the backpack made contact with the ground the material flap came open revealing the top of what was inside the backpack. Something caught my eye. I frowned with confusion. I don't know what it was, but a sense of suspicion and curiosity came over me. When no one was looking I casually walked over to the bag and discreetly peered inside. With curiosity seriously piquing, I inspected the backpack closer. I saw something smooth and shiny. It was sticking out of the bag and it had caught the light. My eyes widened and I gasped in shock as I realised what I was looking at it. It was Auntie Meryl's iPad. What was it doing in Blade's backpack!? I grabbed hold of the device, and yanked it out of the bag which confirmed it was definitely Auntie Meryl's iPad. Then all of a sudden, Blade appeared and aggressively yanked the iPad out of my hands. "What the Hell do you think you're doing going through my bag!?" Blade aggressively snapped. "That's Auntie Meryl's iPad," I gasped, "That's the iPad that you gave to her so she could play bingo and stuff on it." "Walk away, Luke," said a firm Blade, as he put the iPad back in the bag. "Their house was broken into," I exclaimed, "Mum and Auntie Meryl's house was broken into, and the only thing that was taken was Auntie Meryl's iPad. THAT iPad. Did you break into their house and steal it?" "Luke," said a firm Blade, as he took a step closer to me with an intimidating look on his face, "Walk... Away." I felt genuinely scared. I wasn't sure what Blade was going to do. He had a crazed look in his eye that unsettled me. With the fear on my face obvious, I took a step back, Blade donned his backpack and then left The Hive. I was in absolute shock and utter confusion.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now