Entry 1036: Monday 29th July 2019

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Entry 1036
Monday 29th July 2019

I really don't know if me and Nikki are going to last. I do care about her, but it all kicked off again today, and right now I'm back at TJ, Trudy and Mike's, but this time I've got Leo with me.

The drama kicked off when I was at work. I was doing a late shift at The Hive, which I have never done before. God knows why I was working 4pm – 8pm but Gary's shift coincided with mine, so I still got a lift. It was weird and frankly a bit creepy being at The Hive when it was getting dark. The dull murmuring, deathly groans and vicious growls of the infected echoed through the night air and sent a slight shiver down my spine.

I was stood outside the monitoring station having a cup of tea with Gary. Natasha had gone home so I didn't have to worry about her getting all bossy and having a go at me. Gary and I were talking about Tinsley and his hard-as-nails attitude, when suddenly there was a loud continuous bang; a bit like someone rapidly firing something at someone. It was coming from just outside the main gates to The Hive. Although he was in the middle of a sentence, Gary stopped what he was saying, grabbed his machine gun and ran towards the main gates along with all of the other soldiers. I was more curious than scared, but just to keep myself safe I went back inside the monitoring station and peered out of the door to see what was going on. The soldiers were opening the gates, and as they were doing so, I cast my eye towards the back of The Hive and saw something out of the corner of my eye. It looked like some sort of rope ladder had been flung over the back wall down into the holding area (where infected are placed before they're released into the containment area). I staretd to think that maybe The Hive was under attack. Maybe the banging outside the entrance to The Hive was a distraction so someone could sneak in and do something bad. I was about to call over to Gary, but I stopped myself. Whoever was sneaking into The Hive wasn't doing so because they wanted to steal anything. There's nothing of value here – except guns and ammo and they're kept under lock and key. Whoever was sneaking in was up to something, and I convinced myself it was something to do with the infected.

I left the soldiers to deal with what was happening outside the entrance to The Hive and made my way up to the walkways surrounding the containment area below, crammed with infected. I walked along the high-up platforms and came to the end of the right sided walkway that looked down into the holding area. I stood on the edge, looked down and gasped in shock. It was Naomi. She was stood in the grubby blood covered holding area, dressed from head to toe in jet black, knelt down and rummaging through a backpack. She heard me gasp and looked up. "Oh great," she bluntly said, rolling her eyes. There's a ladder attached the end of the left and right sided walkways that lead down into the holding area. I quickly clambered down, joined Naomi in the holding area and confronted her. "What the Hell are you doing?" I exclaimed. "Go away, Luke," said a firm Naomi, "You didn't see anything." "Didn't see anything!?" I exclaimed, "There's a bl**dy great big rope ladder thing draped over the back wall. If I saw that, how long do you think it'll take for the soldiers to see it?" Naomi turned round, grabbed the rope ladder and gave it a good yank, causing it to no longer be draped over the back of The Hive wall and instead be on a heap on the ground of the holding area. "There," said Naomi, as she continued rummaging through her bag. "What's going on?" I asked, "Have you got something to do with all that banging going on outside the entrance?" "Nothing to worry about," said Naomi, "Just a few firecrackers in a saucepan." "A few?" I said, "It sounds like there's an entire cavalry out there." "Luke, just go away," Naomi firmly said. "No," I firmly said, "I want to know what you're doing. Why are you using firecrackers to distract the soldiers? And why are you dressed like some sort of ninja assassin?" Naomi ignored me and continued rummaging through her bag. I grabbed her arm and spun her round. "Just f*cking tell me," I snapped. "Why should I?" snapped Naomi, retrieving her arm back, "You've made it pretty clear that me and you aren't friends anymore, so why should I tell you anything?" "I don't want you getting into trouble," I said, "Didn't you hear what the new Commander said over the tannoy? If people p*ss him off or break his rules, he's going to chuck them in prison." "I've got to get caught first," said Naomi. "Well, I've caught you," I said, "How long do you think it'll be before the soldiers catch you?" "They didn't catch me before," said Naomi. "Before?" I said. The cogs in my head started to turn and I slowly realised what Naomi was referring to. "You" I gasped, "It was you who killed the infected that were utilised on the beach wasn't it?" "Yes," said Naomi, "You know how I feel about all this. We can't live somewhere where there's a sh*t load of infected." "So, what are you going to do?" I bluntly asked, "Kill them all?" Naomi produced some glass bottles from her bag, a few rags, a container of petrol and lighter. "Yes," Naomi said, "That's exactly what I'm going to." "What are you going to do?" I bluntly said, "Create some petrol bombs? There are thousands of those things behind those doors. A few petrol bombs won't do much. You might kill one or two but by the time you've done that, the soldiers will have found you, and you'll be in The Isle of Wight Prison before you can say Prisoner Cell Block H." "I have to do something," said a firm Naomi. "Yeah, but this isn't the way," I said, "I thought you were smarter than this." "Oh, Luke, shut up," snapped Naomi, "You might be happy to live on an island with a place that stores all the infected, but I'm not." "I'm NOT happy about it," I firmly said, "But I think we need to focus on staying alive. The infected are behind these walls, but Tinsley is out there, and he's unhinged. Going all vigilante Lara Croft is one thing when Blade was here, but this Tinsley is a psycho. You know he used to be married to Nikki." "That figures," said Naomi. "What do you mean?" I bluntly asked. "Well, they say like attracts like," said Naomi. "Look, don't start slagging Nikki off," I firmly said, "I'm trying to help you." "What the Hell are you two doing down there?" a voice from above asked. Naomi and I looked up and saw Gary standing on the edge of the walkway. "Gary, you need to help us," I said, "Can we get Naomi out of here without her being seen?" "What the Hell is she doing down there?" said Gary, "Is that petrol?" "Gary, we haven't got time for this," I said, "Can you help us get her out of here?" "Yeah, OK," said Gary, "But we need to be quick." Naomi returned the petrol, the glass bottles and other paraphernalia to her bag. I told her that her plan was ridiculous and that she'd only end up killing a handful of infected and getting herself locked up in prison. Naomi eventually saw where I was coming from and she reluctantly agreed to come with me.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now