Entry 1108: Wednesday 9th October 2019

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Entry 1108
Wednesday 9th October 2019

I still haven't seen Tinsley. I did see him in the centre of Cowes earlier on when I went to Sainsbury's to get a few bits and bobs, but it looked like he was shouting at some GRID soldiers. He looked and sounded pretty angry, so I thought it best to avoid him and pick another day to talk to him about changing my job, although I can't keep putting it off.

Gary came to see me today. He turned up on my doorstep with a big smile on his face. He said he'd heard about everything that happened with Nikki, so he wanted to check on me. Bless him. He came all the way to Cowes to see if I was OK. We went to the local pub in Cowes and had a good chat. It was nice. It was a bit weird being in the pub, The Anchor Inn, as I usually go to Sails Café, but it was good to have a chat with Gary and tell him about all the drama that had gone on with Nikki. "It's quite nice in here," said Gary, as he lifted up his pint of beer and took a drink, noticing that I was having a vodka and diet coke, "What are you drinking?" "Vodka and diet coke," I said, "It's my drink. I'm not a fan of beer." "Each to their own," said Gary, "Anyway, Chuckles, what's going on with you and Natasha? I saw her this morning. She wasn't saying very nice things about you. What's gone on?" I told Gary about what happened yesterday with Natasha and that she's in a mood with me for killing Nikki. I wanted to tell Gary the truth about how it was really Sci-Fi Cyn who killed Nikki, but I needed to keep in mind that he still works with GRID and that he is still a GRID soldier. After about fifteen minutes of chatting, two masculine blokes with deep voices came in. They patted Gary on the back and shook his hands. They all obviously knew each other. "This is Luke," Gary said, introducing me, "Luke, this is Steve and John. I work with them at The Hive sometimes." "Oh," I said, shaking their hands, "You're GRID soldiers." "No," said Steve, "We're cleaners." "Oh," I said, "Sorry, I just assumed you were soldiers." "We are," said John, "It's a joke." John and Steve burst into a manly show of laughter and I felt rather stupid. "Oh, sorry," I said, "I thought you were serious." "We are," Steve bluntly said. I paused and looked at the two guys with confusion. A moment passed and then they once again burst into laughter. "That was a joke too!" John loudly said, laughing, "God. Lighten up man. All that time being cryogenically frozen has f*cked with you head. Come on. Let's have some shots." "Shots?" I said, "It's two in the afternoon?" "So?" said Steve. "Come on guys," Gary said to Steve and John, "Luke doesn't drink that much." "No," I defensively said, feeling rather inadequate as man, "I can do shots." "Yeah, right," giggled John, "What's that sh*t you're drinking? Diet coke?" "There's vodka in there," I firmly said. "Ooooh, get you sweetheart," giggled Steve, "Is it a double?" "It's a single," I said. John and Steve started laughing. "What are you laughing for?" I angrily asked, "I can have doubles you know? It's just that I don't fancy it right now." "What do you fancy"? giggled John, "An orange juice with an umbrella in it?" "F*ck it," I said, slamming my fist on the bar, "Let's have some shots. I'll have some shots." "Don't let them wind you up," Gary quietly said to me, "They're only having a laugh. Anyway, you said you were going to meet Naomi and that you were both going to catch up with Cyn and Mike." "Fine," I reluctantly said, feeling like I was being weak and backing down from a challenge, but realising that Gary had a point. Gary said we could go for a drink again in a day or so, I said my goodbyes and as Steve and John were clearly whispering about me, I left. I hate being around all these alpha males. I felt like such a wimp. Next time I see them (if I see them) I'll show them that I can be an alpha male too!

Naomi and I met up with Sci-Fi Cyn and Mike at Sails Café. Naomi said I stank of booze from my time in the pub, so she ended up spraying me with deodorant. I told Mike and Cyn about my confrontation with Natasha yesterday and about needing a new job. "Well, don't go asking me to help out," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "That Tinsley is getting angrier and more unhinged as each day goes by. I want to stay out of his way. Maybe you should just stay working at The Hive. It might be easier than trying to have a conversation with Tinsley." "No," I said, "I can't be travelling from Cowes to the other side of the island every day. That's a nightmare of a journey. Anyway, after my argument with Natasha yesterday, I think it's best I leave The Hive." "Well, if I were you, I'd stay put at The Hive," said Sci-Fi Cyn, "You ask Tinsley for a favour, and I think you'll feel the sharp side of his tongue."

I can see where Sci-Fi Cyn was coming from but asking Tinsley about changing jobs is something I just have to do. Maybe I'll go to GRID HQ tomorrow and ask to see Tinsley and HOPE that I've picked a good moment to talk to him.

Naomi and I still haven't had sex. I'm starting to think it might never happen...

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now