Entry 1095: Thursday 26th September 2019

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Entry 1095
Thursday 26th September 2019

Nikki's back, and me and Naomi have just had a heated confrontation with her.

The day started when I woke up and was very aware that after radioing through to GRID yesterday, I still hadn't heard from them about whether or not Nikki was still at the hospital. After getting dressed I went down stairs, gabbed the walkie talkie and radioed through to GRID and managed to get hold of some rude GRID soldier. I explained the situation and told him I needed him or someone at GRID to radio through to the hospital to see if Nikki was still there. The soldier was rude and really didn't seem interested. He told me to be a man and deal with it myself. Nice. Tinsley's bad attitude seems to be filtering through the GRID soldiers.

I went to Cowes to catch up with everyone. Naomi and I had a chat over a cuppa with Mike and Sci-Fi Cyn in Sails Café, and we spent some time with Leo along with Mum and Auntie Meryl at their house. Naomi had already told everyone about Nikki slashing her wrists and taking the overdose, and I told them that I had no idea if she was still in the hospital or not. Naomi suggested that we could go to the hospital to see if she's still there. Part of me wanted to go to the hospital, but a bigger part of me didn't, as I didn't want Nikki thinking I was going to be at her beck and call every time she plays the victim.

As Naomi and I left Sails Café we saw Tinsley talking to some GRID soldiers down the road. "Look," I said, "There's Tinsley. He might know where Nikki is." "You're not going to ask him, are you?" exclaimed Naomi. "He's Nikki's ex," I said, "Yeah, but you know what he's like," said Nomi, "He won't help you." "Yeah, well I have to try," I said. I walked over to Tinsley and Naomi followed. "Erm, Commander Tinsley," I said. "What do you want, Warm?" Tinsley firmly asked. "Well," I said, "I... Well... You see the things is... Err... I.... It's err..." "F*cking speak you imbecile," snapped an angry Tinsley. "He wants to know if you've seen Nikki," said Naomi. "Why the f*ck would I have seen her?" snapped Tinsley. "Well, she slashed her wrists and took an overdose last night," said Naomi. "Yeah," said Tinsley shrugging his shoulder, "I heard. So?" "So, we wondered if you knew where she was?" said Naomi. "Do I look like f*cking tourist information?" snapped an angry Tinsley, "Why don't you go an ask one of my men." "Luke's tried," said Naomi, "But he was basically told to deal with it himself." "Then why doesn't he go and f*cking do that?" snapped Tinsley. "I just thought you might know something," I said. "Oh, yeah," said Tinsley, "I know that you are a pain in my arse." "Oh..." I said. "Do you think I give a f*ck if that psycho b*tch lives or dies?" snapped Tinsley, "If she drops dead and ends up as worm food, as far as I'm concerned, it's one less mouth to worry about feeding. Now get out of my eye line. I don't like looking at you." Naomi and I walked away. "Well, that was pleasant," Naomi said sarcastically said. "Come on," I said, "Let's go back to mine. Bunny boiling b*tch might be back." "I could stay over again tonight?" said Naomi. "Really?" I said. "Yeah," said Naomi, "It'll show Nikki that no matter what she does, me and you are together and that she'll be seeing a lot more of me whether she likes it or not."

Naomi said she wanted to bring Sophie to sleep over too. I had a sleeping bag, so Sophie could sleep on the floor in that whilst me and Naomi had my bed, but I wasn't keen on Sophie coming round. "You know how unpredictable Nikki is," I said, "I don't want Sophie being there if Nikki starts kicking off. It's why Leo lives with Mum and Auntie Meryl." "Luke, she might not even be there," said Naomi, "And even if she is, I can deal with her. If she kicks off, I'll just remove Sophie and let you deal with her. I want to spend time with you Luke, but I want to spend time with Sophie too." "OK," I reluctantly said, "But let's be a bit cautious yeah? If Nikki starts kicking of big time, you and Sophie need to leave. Agreed?" Naomi nodded.

Sophie, Naomi and I went back to mine and we spent the afternoon playing games, watching DVDs and cooking. As early evening approached Naomi and I were playing with Sophie on the rug when Nikki walked through the front door. She appeared in the living room door way, saw that Naomi and I were playing with Sophie and threw us a furious look. She had a pale complexion and her wrists were covered in bandages. "Oh, well look at this," snapped an angry Nikki, angrily throwing her hands in the air, "Playing happy families, Why am I not surprised!?" "No!" I angrily said, pointing at Nikki, "No! Not in front of Sophie." "I'll take her upstairs," said Naomi. Naomi took hold of Sophie's hand and led her up stairs to my bedroom. "You are unbelievable," snapped Nikki. "Excuse me?" I said. "I have an accident," snapped Nikki, "I could have died. Me and your baby could have died, and you just shrug your shoulders, like you don't care. You don't come with me to the hospital, you don't come and visit me, and then when I do show up, you're in my house playing happy families with that slut and her daughter or granddaughter or whatever she is." "Right!" I angrily snapped, giving Nikki a firm stare, "You didn't have an accident. You slashed your wrists and took an overdose. That's not an accident. That's you being a pathetic attention seeking tw*t because you can't handle the fact that I'm moving on with Naomi." "Don't flatter yourself," snapped Nikki. "I didn't come with you to the hospital, or visit," I angrily continued, "Because I didn't want you to think that pulling this sort of sh*t is going to get you any attention. Naomi called for GRID to come and get you. I was in two minds to leave you to bleed out." "You'd have just watched me die!?" exclaimed Nikki. "You didn't want to f*cking die!" I loudly snapped, "People that really want to die don't swallow tablets, slash their wrists and sit outside their ex's bedroom door wailing like a banshee." "You might not care about me, but what about your unborn child?" snapped Nikki, "Don't you care that your baby might have died!?" "No!" I loudly snapped, "I don't f*cking care!" Nikki looked horrified just as Naomi returned to the living room and joined me. "That really is an awful thing to say," said Nikki. "What's going on?" asked Naomi. "Yeah, well, I mean it!" I angrily snaped at Nikki, "If having a child with you means going through all this sh*t, then I don't think I DO want a child with you. I think it might be best if the kid dies!" "How can you say that!?" exclaimed Nikki. "Because you're a f*cking nightmare!" I snapped. "No," snapped Nikki, "I know what this is all about you. You want to ditch me and your baby to be with your whore." "Stop calling her a whore," I angrily said. "Whore! Whore! Whore! Whore! WHORE!!!" yelled Nikki. "OK," said Naomi, stepping in between Nikki and I, "We need to find a way to make this work. Nikki, we don't all have to be best friends, but even you've got to agree that we can't go in like this." "This is my house," snapped Nikki, "This has got nothing to do with you." "Nikki, I'm not going to fight with you," said Naomi, "I am trying to make the best of a bad situation. This is your house and Luke's house which means I'm allowed here, and whilst I'm Luke's girlfriend, this has got a lot to do with me. Now what can we do... What can Luke and I do to make this work?" "You what?" I said in shock. "Shush," Naomi said to me. "Well, you could ask me how I'm feeling more," said a moody sounding Nikki, "After everything that's happened, you haven't even asked me if I'm alright." "Oh, f*ck right off," I snapped. "Luke, shut up," said Naomi, "Nikki, are you alright?" "Like you even care," said Nikki. "Nikki, we're trying to meet you half way," said Naomi, "You need to work with us not against us. We will ask you if you're alright, but you need to stop kicking off and hurting yourself. Yeah?" Nikki shrugged. "Is the baby OK?" asked Naomi. Nikki nodded. "Good," said Naomi. "Not much point if he doesn't want to be the Dad," said Nikki, in a sulky tone. "He does," said Naomi, "He's just angry. So, do we agree that you won't hurt yourself if we ask you every now and then if you're OK?" Nikki nodded. "And I want you to spend more time with me," she said, "I don't like you two both being upstairs avoiding me. If you're going to come round here and be Luke's girlfriend, we all need to spend time together." Time together!?" I exclaimed. "Fine," said Naomi, "We can make a start tomorrow. You pick a film and the three of us can have evening in tomorrow night, and watch it. I'll even cook us something." We seemed to have managed to come to some sort of agreement, but I was astounded and slightly horrified.

Naomi and I went upstairs and talked about what had just happened. "For God's sake, Naomi," I angrily said, "She's got us right where she wants us now. She clicks, and we jump. I don't want to do that. That's why I didn't go to the hospital with her. What the Hell are you playing at?" "Luke, think about it," said Naomi, "We just came to some sort of compromise. When has she ever compromised like that?" "I don't want her thinking she's calling the shots," I said. "She's not," said Naomi, "We are. Didn't you see what just happened? She's acting like a stroppy child, so I took control of her like a parent takes control of a stroppy child. She might think she's pulling the strings, but she's not. It's us." I stopped and thought about what Naomi said. I suppose I could see where she was coming from. "Yeah, but now we have to ask her how she is," I said. "Oh, come on, Luke," said Naomi, "It's a small price to pay." "Cooking for her, sitting down and having a meal with her, and watching a film with her?" I said, "That sounds like a bl**dy barrel of laughs doesn't it?" "OK," said Naomi, "It might be a bit awkward and feel a bit strange but it shows that we're making the effort, and it means she won't hurt herself, which means she won't hurt your baby." "Yeah, well I'm starting not to give a f*ck about this baby," I said. "You don't mean that," said Naomi, "You left your invalid Auntie to come and move back in here with a nutter just so you didn't miss out on baby stuff. You and I both know that you want this baby." "Seriously" I said, in a reflective tone, "I really don't know if I do anymore." Naomi gave me a sympathetic smile, wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug and kiss. "Let's just try and enjoy our evening eh?" said Naomi.

Before I went to bed someone from GRID radioed through on the walkie talkie and told me that Nikki had left the hospital. A bit pointless telling me that hours later when I'd already seen Nikki! Bl**dy useless gorillas.

Back to work tomorrow. I know Natasha and I don't see eye to eye but she was very supportive the other night when the GRID lot came and took Nikki to hospital.

I'm looking forward to sharing a bed with Naomi again. Doesn't look like there's going to be any sex. Mind you, what with Sophie asleep on the floor and Nikki in the room next door it really wouldn't feel right to do it anyway.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now