Entry 999: Saturday 22nd June 2019

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Entry 999
Saturday 22nd June 2019

What an evening! We had our housewarming, but it did not end well.

I woke up in the morning, walked into the bathroom, looked in mirror and saw I had an ugly looking bruise around my left eye, created by Nikki's mean right hook. I knew I'd have a bruise but I didn't think it would look as horrible as it does.

I went downstairs, walked into the living room and saw Nikki sitting on the sofa drinking tea and playing with the stupid cat. Leo was sat on his own in the armchair. "I haven't fed Leo," snapped an angry Nikki, "Seeing as I'm so bad at it, I thought you could do it." "Fine," I snapped, "Oh, and in case you're wondering what this ugly dark thing is around my eye; that's from your punch yesterday." Nikki stood up and lifted up her top to show me the bruising that she had on her stomach. "There!" she snapped, "And this is from when you punched me in my stomach and pushed me on to the sofa." I looked at Nikki's bruises and felt incredibly guilty. "Oh God," I said, feeling like the worst person in the world, "I'm so sorry. I didn't think I pushed you that hard. In fact, I'm sure I didn't." "Luke, LOOK," Nikki snapped, "LOOK at them. How can you say you're sure you didn't push me that hard? The bruises are right here in front of you. I didn't sleep, I've been in pain, it's been horrible. I can't believe you did this to me?" "God, I'm so sorry," I said, as I walked towards Nikki, feeling guilt like I'd never felt before. I just wanted to stop you hitting me with that magazine." "Luke, it was a rolled-up piece of paper," said Nikki, "You pushing me as hard as you did in the stomach like that was an overreaction. You hurt me Luke. You really hurt me." "Oh, God," I said, reassuringly rubbing Nikki's arms in an attempt to try and comfort her, "I'm so sorry. I really am so, so sorry. I'd never hurt you. Not on purpose anyway. I thought I was just pushing you off me. Look, let's forget about the housewarming and spend the evening together instead." "No," said Nikki, "What would we tell everyone? It's too late to cancel now. I've sorted out all of the food and anyway, I want to show people our nice house... and I want to show off Minnie." "But we need to sort all this mess out," I said. "It's sorted," said Nikki, "You've said sorry, and that's that. Let's just forget about it. You're not going to do anything like this ever again are you?" "God, no," I gasped, "Never. Never, ever, and if you don't want a job and you want to stay at home with Leo, then that's fine with me. If you want to keep the cat then we'll keep the cat. I'm sorry you felt I don't appreciate you. I totally appreciate you. Me and Leo would be lost without you."

I gave Nikki a kiss and wrapped my arms around her tightly. I really hate that cat and I do think it might be a good idea for Nikki to get a job, but I was feeling so guilty about what I'd done that I was prepared to do and say anything to keep Nikki happy. I really didn't think I'd pushed Nikki that hard, but the bruises speak for themselves. Perhaps I don't know my own strength. I feel so guilty. I'll never hurt her again. I picked up Leo, took him into the kitchen and gave him some breakfast. I was supposed to be meeting with Mike and Sci-Fi Cyn today in Sandown, but as they were coming to the housewarming we decided not to bother.

As early evening arrived, I helped Nikki tidy the house and get ready for the housewarming. It felt a bit weird getting ready for a party after mine and Nikki's argument, but she was really excited about playing hostess and I suppose I did think it would be nice to see everyone and have us all together.  We laid out all of the food and the party snacks in the kitchen and then Nikki got dressed. She came downstairs in a sexy, skimpy little red dress. She looked stunning. I gave her a kiss and told her she looked amazing. "I am SO sorry I hurt you," I said, "I don't like it when we fight." "Let's just forget about it and focus on enjoying a nice evening," said Nikki. She then walked into the kitchen and re-adjusted how I laid out the drinks (apparently, I'd displayed them incorrectly) and I was left in the living room with the cat from Hell. It stood on the coffee table, gave me an evil stare and a nasty growl. "Oh, you can f*ck off," I bluntly said, "P*ss me off and I'll throw you in the sea." The cat hissed at me and then ran off.

Luke's Diary: An Unlucky Man In A Zombie Apocalypse. Entries 957 - 1157Where stories live. Discover now