Part 2: Sparrow Academy

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Ben: Dad, who the hell are these assholes? 

The Umbrella Academy: (Turns around) Shit. 

Klaus: Ben. 

(Luther steps forward) 

Luther: Is that really you? 

Diego: (Shouts) And who are the weirdos on the balcony? 

Reginald: They are the Sparrows. My children.

Five: I'm sorry.What do you mean, your children? That's not possible, old man.

Reginald:  Of course it is!I think I'd know, wouldn't I? I adopted them instead of all of you, well almost all of you.

Y/n: What do you mean almost? (She steps forward allowing the Sparrows to get a better look at her)

Ben: Anala?

Y/n: (shocked at the name) What did you just call me?! (Her anger gets the better of her as she starts to flame up)

(As she starts to flame a women comes to stand next to Ben)

Y/n: What the hell? (She gets ride of the flames and looks at the women confused as she saw that the women was her) Who are you?

???: My names Anala. Who would you be?

Y/n: ... Y/n

Anala: Why do you look like me?

Y/n: Trust me I am just as stumped as you are? (THe rest of the sparrows come down to the first floor)

Klaus: (interrupts the girls staring at each other in disbelief) Everybody else can see Ben, right? 

Ben: Cute hat, Sundance.

Reginald:  They call themselvesthe Umbrella Academy, a group of scheming,perfidious malcontents who accosted me in the fall of 1963 when I was away on business in Dallas.  Be warned, they claim to be my spawn. 

 Allison: Claim? Look, Five,what the hell is going on? 

Five:  I don't know yet, but it's concerning. 

 Marcus: Is he telling the truth? 

Allison: Not the part about us being perfidious.

Klaus: No, we're amateur-fidious, at best. 

Vanys:  But we are his children. This is our house. 

Luther: Yeah, yeah. We, uh... We grew up here. 

Alphonso: [mocking] "Yeah, we grew up here.

Sloane: I kind of think we would have noticed you. 

Luther: Hi. I'm Luther.

Allison: Okay. None of you belong here. 

Fei: Oh! Well, then. I guess we'll just pack our bagsand move out. (The cube starts o make noises and the Sparrows Laugh) 

Ben: You slay me, Chris.

Y/n: I'm sorry, Why is there a floating cube making weird noises

Anala: He's our brother, Christopher.

Y/n: But he's a cube?

Anala: He's our brother.

Y/n: Yeah I get the whole, he's your brother thing, but he's still a cube.

Anala: Call him that one more time. I dare you.

Jayme: I wouldn't make her angry.

Five: I wouldn't make Y/n angry either.

Y/n: (laughs) Are you threatening me over a cube?

Anala: That's it.

(Anala's eyes glow green and many thick vine comes through the floor reaching out for Y/n. Before they could though Y/n burned them all and the vines retreated.)

Anala: So we look the same but have different power's?

Y/n: Seems like it. What's yours?

Anala: Control of Earth and Wind. You?

Y/n:... Creation and control of Fire and Ice.

Anala: So together we make the 4 elements

Y/n: Yeah I guess we do.

Anala: I'm starting to like you. 

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