Part 30: Amish

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(The drive for another hour and arrive at an Amish farm) 

Five: Son of a bitch! Klaus is Amish.

Klaus: This explains everything. 

( the cows around them start mooing) 

Y/n: How does this explain anything? 

Klaus: Because look! Look at this place! This is everythingmy childhood was missing.

Y/n: It's the complete opposite of how we grew up... and who you are.  

Five: Hey, uh, Klaus? 

Klaus: Yeah? 

Five: Wait up a minute. 

(Five starts looking him up and down and Klaus looks over to Y/n)

Klaus: What is he doing?

Y/n: Doppelgänger check.You feel anything strange? 

Klaus: Like what?

Five: Uh, itching, sweats,gas.

Y/n: anything like that? 

Klaus: No. No, I feel great. 

Y/n: Good, Good.

Klaus:  Apart from the old rash on the tackle,but what can you do? 

Y/n: Klaus, that was unneeded information. 

Five: All right, good luck.

Klaus: Wait, you're not coming?

(Y/n and Five shook their heads)

Five: This one you gotta do alone. 

Klaus: (sighs) Alone?

Y/n: Klaus, You can do this. 

Klaus: Yeah, okay. 

Y/n: Good luck Klausy.

Klaus:  Yeah, I can do that, sure.

(Klaus walks away leaving y/n and Five leaning on the car)

Y/n: You think he'll be okay?

Five: Yeah, I'm sure he will fine. He's a big boy, he can handle it.

Y/n: Is he though? 

Five: (he laughs) Y/n, your nervous over nothing. He will be fine.

Y/n: Five, Think about who Klaus is, He will piss these people off in 5 minutes.

Five: Maybe.

Y/n: Mark my words. When he comes back he is going to be being chased by a bunch of amish people. 

Five: You're probably right, but it will be funny to watch.

Y/n: He means well be he has a tendency to piss off people. 

Five: If you haven't noticed, that's kind of everyone in this family

(They both laugh and get back in the car. Five turns up the radio and they both look at the map and start singing along) 

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