Part 35: Grandfather Paradox

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 (The Umbrella academy moves up to the second floor of the hotel for privacy while stanley starts to practice karate))

Diego: I'm so confused. 

Allison:  Shocking. 

Y/n: Oh so you understand what happening, Allison? Cause I would love to hear this?

(Y/n death stares allison while Diego gives he a grateful smile for standing up for him)

Viktor:  Well, someone killed our mothers,so we shouldn't exist and the universe can't handle it, which is a problem.

Five: Big problem. [sighs]

Stanley: (does a jump kick while holding a pool cue) Yah! 

Diego: Stanley!  Now is not the timeto be doing karate, okay? 

Stanley: Mom said I need to practice. 

Diego: Yeah, well, she's not wrong. You're very bad. 

Stanley: Well, I saved your pathetic ass. 

(Diego gets annoyed and turns to Y/n)

Diego: Can't you like freeze him or something?

Y/n: I can. I won't

Diego: Why not?

Y/n: Diego, He's just being a kid. Your kid

Diego: Allegiant Kid.

Y/n: Maybe, but he has the same attitude you do, same fighting spirit. You always wanted to go against dad. Go against him by being a good dad for Stanley the way we wished Sir Reginald Hargreeves would have been for us. 

(Diego looked at her and she smiled before turning back to the conversation)

Allison: Okay, hold on.Five, Y/n, so we caused a paradox. What does that mean? 

Yn: It's hard to say. 

Five: It's all been theoretical until now,but things have started to disappear. 

Viktor: What things?

Y/n: Right now? 

Five: Uh, lobsters. 

Klaus: And a shit ton of cows! 

Five:  But Y/n and I have a feelingthis is just the beginning. 

Allison: A feeling? Aren't you retired? 

Five: I want nothing more. 

Allison: You know, you can't drag us through hell because you have an itchonly an apocalypse can scratch  and then expect usto deal with the fallout.  You're not the boss. 

Five: Fine, We're the messenger, 

Y/n: and we're telling yousomething terrible is coming. 

Allison: Then let's go attack the Sparrows,get the briefcase, and go home. 

Five: This is our home, Allison. Accept it. 

(Stanley knocks over something and breaks it)

Diego: That's it! I'm telling your mom. 

Stanley: (sarcastically)Ooh! 

Five: Wait, where's Lila? 

Stanley: Shower. I told her she could stay with us

(Five and Y/n look at each other and nod)

Viktor: Wait. When did Lila get back? 

(Five and Y/n start to walk away)

Diego: Y/n, Five, where you going?

Five: Go talk to somebodywho only has half her head up her ass. 

Klaus: Don't leave, Five, Y/n. Don't leave. 

Five: No, Klaus. We're leaving.

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