Part 118: Seven Bells

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(Five and Y/n walk into the hotel behind Reginald and everyone starts clapping minus Ben and Allison)

Klaus: Woo! Five! Yeah! 

(Every continues to cheer and whistle at Five causing Y/n to laugh and join in)

Luther: Here he is! 

Klaus: Yeah! 

Diego: That speech last night! Wow!

Luther: Whoa! 

Lila: Brought me to tears, you big softy. 

Viktor: I especially liked when you referred to usas a family bound by destiny and love. 

Luther: Yes. That was great. 

(Lila jumps down from the couch and tries to hug him but he avoids her and sits down in an empty chair with Y/n leaning against a wall)

Five: Okay. Enough. It was the booze talking. In the light of day,you're all still deplorable. 

Y/n: Hey!

Five: Not you darling. 

Y/n: (looks around) Hey where is Anala? 

Reginald: She seems to have gone missing.

Sloane: Then we have to look for her

Reginald: There isn't any time. This is a terrible thing to happen, but your day's about to get worse. (Y/n looks at him suspicious as to why he changed the subject) The Norse had seven sleepers. The Blackfoot, seven stars. As a boy,I heard the legend of the seven bells.  All these stories are the same. The village is under threatby flood, by fire, by a night that never ends. A shaman brings his disciplesto a sacred cave. He tells themif they can ring the seven magic bells, the village will be saved,and all will be restored just as it was.

Lila: Reggie? Can we get a little less Brothers Grimm and more "What the hell does thishave to do with us?" 

Reginald:  There is a truth to these myths. None of you can denywhat's going on around us. All of existencewill be gone by the end of the day, but whoever or whateverwove together space and time, they left a wayto put things back together if the universeever faced total annihilation. There is a portal in the universe. I built this hotel around it, and on the other side is the answer.

Y/n: If this is what you made the academies for, and if the whole story is based around 7, then why did you adopt 8 of us? 

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