Part 67: Stop Covering

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Luther: Stop covering for him. 

Five: Covering what? 

Y/n: What's going on? 

(Everyone else walks up to Luther and Viktor)

Viktor: He didn't mean to hurt anyone. 

Luther: Really? You mean, when he did this? (points to the cut on Viktor's face) 


Five: Wait, Harlan did that? 

Diego: That's it, I'm gonna end him. 

Viktor: Look, I know how it looks,but Harlan didn't ask for this. If we hadn't gone back to 1963,if I hadn't have saved him-

Y/n: Don't blame what he did on you.

Luther: He killed Jayme and Alphonso, not you. He's the reason we're in this mess,and he's our only way out of it.

Five: Luther's right. If we're gonna have an iota of a chanceof getting out of this alive, we need access to the Kugelblitz. 

Viktor: There's only four of them left.We can just overpower them. 

Y/n: What, and risk losingsome of us in the process? 

Five: Harlan is insignificant. 

Viktor: You told me oncethat no one is insignificant. They'll kill him. 

(Everyone looks away but from Viktor but Lila steps in)

Lila: Uh, so?  We are talking about one personversus saving billions of lives here. I mean, is this reallya debate for you people? 

Y/n: Yo, Lila, Shut the hell up, you're not helping.

Viktor: Hey, Little Britain? You don't get a vote. 

Klaus: Lila lives in this universe too. Besides, she's family now. Kinda, sorta. 

Lila: Mm. Thanks, kitten.

Diego:  I don't give a shit about the Sparrows, but I'm not gonna letscary-ass Grandpa finish you off. 

(Y/n chuckles at the description)

Viktor: Five days ago, he was just a little kid. And what? Now I'm supposed to justdecide whether he lives or dies? 

Five: Viktor, we're downto ethical triage here, all right? We can't save everyone.  The kindest cut wins. 

Y/n: I hate to say it but he's right, this is the life we lead V. Sometimes we have to make some hard choices.

Luther: You always wanted to be on the team. This is what it is. Saving the worldmeans making the hard calls. 

Viktor: I hate this. 

Luther: Yeah, I know. 

Y/n: We all do

Luther: I'll go get him. (Luther starts walking up the stairs)

Viktor: Wait, no.  Let me do it. He trusts me. I can convince him to come quietly.

(Viktor left up the stairs as the rest of them go their separate ways.)

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