Part 132: Sushi

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Reginald: This place is a test and a trapand a means of salvation, all at once.

Viktor: Does anyone know what that sign says? (he points to a sign that's next to the bell that seems to be in a different language. 

Diego: Yeah, it says "Do not ring the bell." That's what that means. 

Five: (walks back over with the rest of the group) We get it, Diego. Bell bad. 

Y/n: What do we do now? 

Five:  Does anybody know?

(Reginald walks away and starts looking around as he opens a leather bound notebook)

Allison: Reggie?... Reggie. 

(He starts to flip through the pages while facing the other way)

Lila: I'm hungry.Does anyone fancy an unagi roll? 

(She starts walking over to the other side of the lobby prompting the other to look over and finally take notice of a sushi bar that was were the bar used to be. As Lila walks away Ben steps in front of her) 

Ben: How can you possibly eatat a time like this?

Lila: I don't know.How can you be a dick at a time like this? 

Ben: Hey! 

Y/n: She's not wrong

Ben: Oh, you'll- (Ben gets stopped by Diego talking loudly and walking over to them with a fast pace, speargun still in hand)

Diego: Back off, all right? (He turns to look at Lila) She's eating for-- 

Lila: (interrupts) Strength. In these trying times. (She grabs onto Diego's arm and starts to pull him away) Diego, can you come with me for a second?

(Diego and Lila disappears and Y/n turns to Five)

Y/n: Damn it, now I want Sushi.

Five: Love, The world just ended. (He gives her a questioning look as she shrugs)

Y/n: I don't care. I still want Sushi. 

(Y/n walks over to the sushi bar with Five following close behind and she grabs a plate and starts eating it) 

Five: what id It's poisonous?

(She shrugs and continues to eat)

Y/n: Worth it. 

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