Part 106: Luther's day

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(2 Hours later everyone minus Luther and Sloane who were still getting ready, were in the elevator going to the banquet hall. There was a long banquet hall lighten by chandeliers above rows of chairs and tables, a dance floor in the center and a stage with a disco ball above it) 

Klaus: Not sure this place isgonna be big enough. 

Allison: This better be an open bar. 

Lila: Hey, come on.It's for Luther. Let's perk up.(She looks around) Wow.

(Everyone walks around in awe as the place looks beautiful until the elevator bings and opens again revealing Luther and Viktor walking In)  

Luther: (as they walk in)I don't know.Normally, my tush looks good. 

(They both walk in and Viktor walks up to Allison) 

Allison: Ah, I see you've gone forthe oversized button-down. Original. 

Viktor: You do realizethere's no paparazzi here, right? 

Anala: (whispers to Y/n) Are they going to do this all night?

Y/n: (whispers back) I hope not.  

Luther: Listen to me, you two.This is my day, all right? So if you two can just get alongfor a couple of hours, you can consider that my wedding gift. 

Allison: Well, he started it, so-- 

Viktor: You literally just started it. 

Allison: Literally? 

Luther: Bah, bah, bah! My day! Two hours.Do you think you can manage that? 

Viktor: Yeah, fine.

Luther: Thank you.-

(Allison walks away and stand next to Y/n)

Y/n: You okay?

Allison: Yeah, Just need to figure out how to keep myself from strangling him.

Y/n: We only have a couple hours left to live, don't let him ruin it for you. 

Allison: (she smiles and side hugs Y/n) Thanks. 

(The elevator opens again and Sloane steps in in a beautiful skin tight white dress and a flower bouquet.)

Anala: Sloane you look beautiful. (she smiles at her sister)

Ben: Let's get this over withbefore I die of cringe.

Anala: Ben, (she walks up to him with a smile and hits him in the back of the head.) Shut up.

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