Part 86: Impossibility

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(Both Academies minus Viktor and Klaus go down to inspect the Kugelblitz)

Fei:  Beautiful, isn't it? 

Y/n: (sarcastically) Yeah totally, The thing that is slowly disintegrating the world, killing everyone and everything in this universe is absolutely stunning.  

Anala: You have to admit it is pretty. Kinda looks like a Fireball.

Y/n: It has Fire energy in it too.

Anala: How can you tell?

Y/n: I can feel it. It's what's keeping it strong.

Anala: I never realized that.

Y/n: Can you feel it too?'

Anala: (closes her eyes and takes a deep breath) Yeah, Yeah I can feel it.

Diego: Oh, wow. 

Lila: That's what took Stanley. 

Fei: Along with a few other billion people. 

Lila: Yeah, who I didn't know and don't care about. 

Fei: Right. So it's all about you. 

Y/n: Normally is when it comes to her.

(Anala laughs and Diego nudges her arm)

Y/n: What? I'm not wrong. 

Five: All of us are irrelevant. This thing's gonna takethe whole damn universe. 

Y/n: Five is right. What is it made of? 

Sloane: Micro black holes collapsingat increasingly short intervals.

Anala: And as we established, is powered by fire energy 

Five: Why aren't we getting sucked inside? 

Sloane: Honestly, we don't know. You shouldn't exist here,and neither should this. 

Five and Y/n: An impossibilityfor an impossibility. 

Five: The universe is a sucker for balance. 

Fei: Grace has been tracking the waves.Next one is due in three hours. 

Diego: All right, so what do we do? 

Sloane: We trap it. 

Five: Dyson sphere? 

Sloane: Yeah. 

Five: (five crosses his arms) Okay. Confinement factor? 

Sloane: 0.98 at peak energy flux. 

Five: Tensile strength? 

Sloane: UTS ceilingof 10,000 gigapascals. 

Lila: Should I be finding this hot? 

Luther and Diego: No! 

Y/n: Five what are you doing?

Five: Making sure they know what they are talking about

 Allison: What do you think, Y/n?

Y/n: Could work. Or we could all die horribly but I don't think we have another shot.

Five: I'm in. 

Ben: You're not the one we need. 

Allison: Excuse you? 

Fei: For this to work,we need Sloane, Lila, Christopher, Anala, Y/n and-

Allison: Viktor. Of course.

(Allison leaves followed by everyone else heading upstairs.) 

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