Part 73: We share a Wall

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*Back with the Sparrow Academy*

(Anala is in the library when Fei walks in looking exhausted)

Anala: Are you okay? You look like you haven't slept all night.

Fei: That's because I haven't. It's because of...

Anala: Luther and Sloane.

Fei: How did you know about that? 

Anala: I can feel vibrations in the earth, remember? Luther ain't a small guy. Let's just say that there was a lot more than there should be.

Fei: Did it keep you awake too?

Anala: I don't sleep a lot as is but that sure didn't help. 

Fei: If this keeps up, I'm staying in your room for a while.

Anala: Feel free, If you can handle all the wind and plants.

Fei: On second thought maybe we should just get rid of Luther. 

Anala: (laughs): And how do you plan on doing that?

Fei: I can come up with a list.

Anala: I'm surprised you don't already have one. 

Fei: Oh I do, but he is a giant with super human strength, so it needs to be adjusted.

(Anala laughs as ben walks in looking pissed)

Anala: You good Squiddy?

Ben: I thought I told you never to call me that.

Anala: I thought you would have figured by now that I don't care... Luther and Sloane keep you up too?

Ben: Yes, and I'm going to end him.

Anala: Ben, stay civil. (Anala stands up) What do you say Fei, let's talk with our beloved sister? 

Fei: I'm in

(Fei and Anala go upstairs and knock on Sloanes door)

 Sloane: Hey. 

Fei: Hi. 

Anala: Hola

Fei: Ben needs a word. 

Sloane: Great. I'll be down in... in ten. 

Anala: Not with you. (Anala uses her wind to fully open the door revealing Luther) Him. 

Luther: Oh! Hey, Fei. Anala. How's it going?

Sloane: How did you know? 

Fei: We share a wall.  And your bed squeaks. 

Anala: I can feel earth's vibrations, and Luther isn't exactly small.

Fei: Kept us up all night. 

(They both laugh and start to walk back downstairs as Sloane closes the door) 

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