Part 152: Her Final Mission

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(Reginald continues to work as Allison watched the life draining out of her siblings who now looked like old corpses as their skinned turned a dark grey and their bones began to be visible under their skin. Allison couldn't take it anymore and finally screamed.)

Allison: STOP! 

(Allison's voice echoed through the space around them but reginald continued to work being unaffected by her screams and seemed to not even be able to hear them. Allison looked around and found the guardian's weapon on the ground. She quickly ran to grab the weapon from the floor. She swung it at the back of Reginald's head causing him the machine to turn off and everyone drop to the floor and some started to cough. Allison looked at the Reginald who she had just hit and saw half of his face covered in a black liquid that was dripping from a piece of his head that was missing. He took a few steps towards Allison and then collapsed on the floor. The console lights up once again with a red flashing circle with rings around it.)

(While Allison continues to stare at the red dot, Five looks up and does a quick scan of his surroundings. Glancing over each one of his siblings as he moved his head slowly and in pain. His eyes fell on Y/n who was the only one not moving at all or making a sound. Five slowly crawled his way to her as she layed on the floor, unmoving. Once he got to her, he saw her eyes's slightly open and a slight smile painted her lips as she noticed Five was next to her. Five moved his hand enough to rest over her heart, which was beating slowly.)

(Allison slowly walked to the red dot and reached a hand out.)

 Five: Allison...Allison, don't touch that button. We don't know what it does. 

(Viktor stood up as quickly as he could, wobbling a little and tried to use his powers but it was weak) 

Viktor: Allison, stop! Don't make me do this! 

Allison: Do you trust me? 

(Viktor stopped using his power)

Five: Viktor, what are you doing?Stop her! 

Klaus:  Allison, wait!

Five: Allison, don't do it!

(Allison pushed the button and the last thing that Five heard before everything went black was a soft and faded.)

Y/n: I love you, Five.

(Then he felt something drop into his pocket but he no longer felt the beating of her heart under his hand, and he didn't feel anything after that.) 

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