Part 92: Celebration

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(Everyone heads upstairs and Ben grabs a bottle of champagne)

Ben: Let's celebrate.

(Diego grabs a sword from one of the cabinets and used it to pop open the bottle as Ben started drinking. Anala grabbed 2 other bottles of champagne and brought them over using her air abilities to pop open the corks and started pouting glasses for people as diego started to play with the sword.)

Y/n: Diego. Put that down please. You've lost enough fingers for now. 

(Diego gave Y/n a playful glare but put it down either way)

Anala: How about some music?

(Everyone cheers as she starts to play songs on a big speaker and everyone starts dance around. Then Y/n realises that Allison is still standing off to the side, so she goes up to her)

Y/n: Hey, How you doing?

Allison: I'm hanging in there. (she takes a drink of her beer) You know, you scared the shit out of me back there.

Y/n: Why's that?

Allison: You were shaking. A lot. I was worried you were getting hurt. Y/n, You saved me from being killed by Viktor, then you were shot by your biological twin brother, who was also Viktor's boyfriend. You almost died that night. I thought I was watching my sister die after already losing her for 17 years and there was nothing I could do but sit there and hope that Luther, Five, Diego and Klaus would get there in time... I think your my constant.

Y/n: Your constant?

Allison: Yeah, remember what Lila said earlier about a constant. You are the one that has seemed to care the most about my pain and tried to help me feeling better. So thank you for that.

Y/n: Of course. I'm glad I could help.

Allison: You seem to do that a lot. Help I mean. You're a good sister. 

Y/n: (she smiles and hugs Allison) I try my best to be. Now come on, we just saved the world. You deserve one night of fun. (Y/n drags Allison with everyone else and she starts to dance with them as Five come up to Y/n and hugs her before kissing her) 

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