Part 65: Too far

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*With the Sparrow Academy*

(Fei, Ben and Anala are trying to pull grace back from the Kugelblitz)

Fei: Come on, Ben! 

(They continued to pull back as the Kugelblitz tries to pull Grace in) 

Fei:  I'm telling you, it won't work! 

Ben:Hold on, Fei! 

(They continue to pull but to no avail)

Anala: Screw it!

(Anala creates a metal sharp and cut the wire in order to free Grace and the remainder of the wire fell)

Grace: God has a million eyes,each falling into themselves. 

Ben: What the hell is that supposed to mean? 

Anala: It could mean 1000 things but mainly that we need to fix her software so that she starts to make sense again.

 [Christopher speaks] 

Ben: Oh, black holes? Really? Am I just surrounded by morons? 

Anala: Hey!

Ben: Not you Anala.

Anala: Plus, you got any better ideas ben?

Fei: Maybe he's right. What if what Grace is describingis a black hole collapsing in on itself? 

Anala: It's possible. We don't know much about what this thing is.

 Ben: Oh, whatever. 

Anala: Oh you're just mad that it's possible and that you didn't come up with it.

Ben: I didn't ask you, Anala. (he gives her a death glare) 

Anala: That means I'm right. 

(The Kugelblitz makes a noise and seems to pulse a bit and grow)

Grace: God is angry with us. 

Anala: I'm sure he is Grace (She says dismissively) 

Fei: We are wasting precious time. This is bigger than just us. We need help.

Ben:  Harlan first, then we can killwhatever the hell this is.

Anala: This has gone too far, Ben. Are you really willing to risk the end of the world for revenge?

Ben: They killed our siblings Anala, You agreed with me. You wanted vengeance!

Anala: And I still do, But Revenge will mean nothing if the world ends! (She takes a breathe) We need to stop this first, and then we can focus on Harlan

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