Part 104: Blinded Faith

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*With Anala*

(Anala was walking around looking for Reginald, needing to talk to him about something. When she gets to the room he's in and find Ben standing there looking at him while Reginald was talking with Klaus) 

Ben: Dad, can I talk to you? 

Reginald: Now's not a good time. 

Ben: It will only take a minute-

Reginald: Not now! You were saying? 

Klaus: There's such a thingas catching more flies with honey. 

(Ben turns around and sees her standing in the doorway. Anala smirks and jerks her head to the side signalling him to follow her. He does and they enter and empty room and she closes the door.)

Anala; You will never stop pining for his approval, will you?'

Ben: We're his children Anala. Why is he spending more time with a guy he's only known for a few days then he has in almost 30 years with his actual children?

Anala: Are you jealous Ben?

Ben: No

Anala: Don't you think it's time to stop following him?

Ben: What do you mean?

Anala: Come on Ben. Has he ever put us above his own selfish ambition? You have so much blinded faith in him. Don't you think it's time to open up your eyes. He doesn't give a shit about us. When are you going to accept that? 

Ben: He's still our father Anala. We have to stay loyal... 

Anala: (interrupting) LOYAL! You want to talk about loyalty. How about your loyalty to your sibling? You are more loyal to a man that caused us all pain our entire childhood and beyond, so much so that we had to dope him up to make our lives bearable and to keep ourselves out of danger, than you are to the people that are have been there for you Ben. Despite you pushing everyone away, Me and sloane stayed by your side supporting you. Now is the time to act like a damn brother and support Sloane. So it's up to you. Keep following dad like a lost puppy when he probably is going to get you killed, or you finally grow up an find out who you are. (She leaves to find Sloane and slams the door) 

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