Part 51: The Founders

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(Lila walks into the room as the broadcast cuts off and shows a loading screen) 

Lila: I could killfor some scrambled eggs right now.

Five: This is bigger than the timeline, Lila. 

Lila: What's bigger than the timeline? 

Y/n: The entire universe. 

Lila: Yeah. 

Five:  The missing dogs, people...It's the opposite of the big bang. 

Y/n: Like a big crunch.  Instead of the universe expanding,it's now collapsing in on itself. 

Lila:  Like a prolapsing rectum. 

Y/n: That's a weird analogy

Five: but yeah.

Lila: Here, then.This might give us some answers.

(Lila hands over a thick, light blue book with a gold title written on the front. It was a book that Y/n and Five both recognized right away)

Y/n and Five: Master handbook. 

Lila:The one and only. 

(Y/n grabs the book with the words "The commission Paradox Protocols on the front. She opened the book with Five looking over her should as she flipped through the book, looking for what to do about the grandfather paradox)

Y/n:  Here we are. (She finds it and points it out to Five who starts to read it outloud)

Five: Okay, protocol.  "In the unlikely caseof the grandfather paradox, the founders and any essential personnel should--"

(Lila jumps out off the counter she was sitting on and stood behind Y/n as she continued to read where Five left off using a pencil she found to guide her reading)

Lila:  " immediately remandedto the operations bunker." (she uses the pencil to take the word)

Lila:  The founders.  What founders? 

Five: I don't know. 

(Lila looks over to Y/n)

Y/n: I got nothing. (She closes the book and puts it on the counter and the ceiling starts to fall) but We need to find that bunker... 

Lila and Five: (at the same time) ASAP. 

(Five and Y/n start to walk out after Five grabs the handbook followed by Lila)

Lila:Jinx. A-B-C-1-2-3, personal padlock. 

Y/n: What does that mean?

Five: Can you not-- 

Lila: You can't speak! 

Y/n: (whispers to Five) There is something wrong with her.

Five: Yup. 

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