Part 61: Kugelblitz

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Five: Hey, Chatty Cathys,quit the chit chat, all right? 

(everyone turns to look at him as Allison lifts her head up from Y/n's shoulder. )

Five: I'm calling a family meeting here. 

(Lila turns to leave but Diego grabs her arm)

Diego: Ah, ah, ah. That means you too. 

Five: Where's Klaus? 

Y/n: He's Klaus, He could be anywhere.

(Diego notices something and starts to head up the stairs)

Diego: I'll be right back. 

Lila: Don't leave me with your-- 

Y/n: Diego, Where are you going?

Five: Dieg-(Diego turns around a corner)- Lost another. Great. 

Allison: Spit it out, Five. 

Five: Oh, well, since you asked so nicely,sister mine, our little paradoxbrought forth a freaking Kugelblitz. 

Viktor: What the hell is a Kugelblitz?

Y/n: Glad you asked. 

(Y/n stands up)

Y/n: This thing we brought here because we aren't supposed to be here, because in this time line, someway, somehow, our mother's died to soon in this timeline so we don't belong here and the universe is trying to correct itself, so it created a Kugelblitz

Luther: And exactly what is this Kugelblitz going to do?

Y/n: It's going to destroy the world. 

Allison: Again?!

Y/n: Apocalypse part three and hopefully the final part but the last time I thought that, we got stuck in the 60's.

Viktor: So what are we going to do next? 

Y/n: Anyone down for a drink?

Allison: I'm down. (She stand up and heads toward the bar)

Lila: I'm okay with that (Lila follows Allison and then Viktor and Luther follow behind)

Five: I thought you didn't drink?

Y/n: I don't drink, but I think our siblings could use one before we continue to explain what the help is happening and what we are up against this time. 

Five: Honestly, at this point, I might need a drink too.

(Five walks behind the bar and grabs a bottle as Y/n follows him) 

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