Part 76: Dumb or Desperate

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*Back with Five and Y/n*

(After hours of driving the motorcycle with Y/n flying above, they reach a clearing in the woods leading to an isolated trailer. When Five drove up and Y/n landed on the ground next to the bike they saw a women wearing short shorts and a leopard print shirt sitting in front of the trailer reading a Plato and smoking a cigarette. Five turned off the engine and put down the kick stand as he got off the big with the women eyeing the couple as they started to walk up)

Women: Can I help you?

Five: Need a word with Pogo. 

Women: Ain't no Pogo here, pumpkin. 

Y/n: Okay. (They both role their eyes and start to walk toward the open door of the trailer but she stand up blocking their path)

Women: So I suggest you get your asses off my property before I call a truant officer.(She crosses her arms to make herself look more intimidating)

Y/n: (laughs at her efforts) You think you can intimidate us? That's adorable.

 Pogo: It's okay, Tammy. Let the children in.(Five and Y/n smirk as they step around the lady. They walk into find pogo sitting at a table drinking whiskey. He points directly across from him as Y/n and Five sit down, they hear a pistol cock and Y/n smiles to herself, half hoping she gets the chance to either melt it, or freeze it, she hasn't decided yet) You're either dumb or desperate. Which is it? 

Five: You tell us. 

(Five Throws down the skin he took of the older version of him) 

Pogo: That looks like my work,but I never did that tattoo. 

Y/n: Not yet, you haven't. 

Five: I cut it off my 100-year-old self. 

Pogo: Ah, so desperate it is. 

Five: You would be too if you knew the entire universe were at stake.

Pogo: So it's happened. (He puts the gun away as Y/n frowns to herself and he pulls out a book and flips through it before landing on a page and turning it to face them) Ah, here it is. Look familiar?

(Five puts the piece of skin next to it and they notice similar shapes and patterns on the page that match the tattoo)

Pogo: Reggie was obsessed with these symbols.  It's a sigil.  A symbol thought to have magical powers.

Y/n: Come again?

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