Part 148: It's the stars

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(As everyone continues to talk Five and Y/n reach the top of the stairs and look over the edge to where everyone else is bickering.)

Y/n: Five, what are we doing up here

Five: The stars, look at the stars. 

Y/n: What?

(Y/n looks out and looks at the circle of 7 stars with one big star in the middle and she thinks back to all that time she saw the sigil. She realized it always had a star near it. Then it hit her)

Y/n: It's the stars. The stars are the sigil. 

(Five nodded in agreement and ran to the edge and screaming to their siblings)

 Five: Hey, We found the sigil! It's on the--

(Five was cut off by glass shattering. They all look up in horror as they see the final guardian fall from the sky. As it does so, it swings its weapon towards Y/n and Five. The guardian's blade slices through Five's arm, cutting it clean off as he screams in pain and falls to the floor) 

Y/n: FIVE!

(Explosions and screaming are hears from downstairs as Y/n runs to Five. She freezes the end of his arm where it was cut off as an attempt to stop the bleeding and ease the pain. She hears her siblings struggling and knows they need her help so she gives a last check to Five to make sure he's alright before kissing his forehead and going to leave)

Five: Wait. (He uses his other hand to grab her's) 

Y/n: Five, they need my help.

Five: You could get hurt.

Y/n: I know, but they need my help. Stay here okay? I love you darling. (She gives him one last kiss on the lips before running down the stairs to help join the fight, not knowing if it would be her last, but she couldn't let her siblings get hurt. She had to protect them at all cost) 

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