Part 147: Psychotic Asshole

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(They all see Reginald walk into the hall and start walking towards him) 

Five: What's your plan, old man?

Reginald: We don't have time for this. 

Y/n: Oh, I will make time for this. 

Sloane: You killed Luther!

(She walks up to him the fastest, holding her side in pain the but anger evident in her eyes and voice as her eyes begin to water.) 

Reginald: (he starts to talk fast) I had no choice.You refused to come together as a team. 

Y/n: So you killed our brother you psychotic asshole. I should have killed you when I had the chance. 

Ben: All of your stupid myths and stories.(For the first time Ben had stood up to his father, finally realizing that despite his loyalty to him, that Reginald didn't give a damn if he lived or died. And that betrayal laced venom in his voice as he shouted at their father) There were never seven bells or Norsemen. (His voice continued to get louder) You brought us here to die! 

Reginald: That's not so. Somewhere in this hotelis the key to resetting the universe. 

Y/n: You don't give a shit about the universe, do you? You're too selfish to give a shit about anybody else, so what's in it for you? What do you gain from this? And what will it cost us? 

Reginald: I'm not as evil as you think I am.

Y/n: I doubt that. 

Reginald: Look, We just need to find the sigil! 

Sloane: I don't care about your sigil!None of us do.  

Diego: We barely survived that guardianwith his stupid helmet and his sickle! 

(Five grabs Y/n's hand and starts dragging her up the stairs)

Viktor: The guardian we killed had an ax. 

Sloane: Ours had a sword. 

Lila and Diego: There's one left. 

Sloane: We have to go after it. 

Ben: Because that worked so wellthe first time.

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