Part 7: Leaving

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(Y/n and Five start running through the house with Allison following close behind as Fei chases them. As they run through they find Luther talking to Sloane who is on the ground) 

Five: Luther, we're leaving! Come on!  (Five says jumping over Luther as Y/n does the same then Allison)

 Luther: Just a second

Allison: (pushes him away from Sloane and toward the exit with Fei coming after them. Fei releases a bunch of crows that start to chase the 4 as they start to run faster) Come on! We gotta go

(The 4 pause at an intersection in the hallways and look back and see the crows)

Luther: Seriously? 

Y/n: Well that's interesting 

Allison: Move, move, move, move! 

(She pushed the other  ahead toward another room)

Five: The briefcase! 

Luther: What?-

Y/n: No time! Five!

Five: I'll get it, I'll meetup with you all soon, Stay safe. (He blinked away leaving Luther Allison and Y/n still running from Fei)

Luther:  I hate that he can do that! 

Y/n:Honestly, right now, me too.

Allison: Go! Shut it! 

Luther: Quick! Get in!

(They all quickly run into a room and shut the door and lean against it as they take a deep breath)

Allison: Hopefully we're safe in here.

(The crows start to peck through the wood) 

Y/n:(sarcastic) Perfect timing Ally.

Luther: Oh shit. Oh shit!

Allison: What do we do?

Luther: Haul ass!

(Allison and Luther start running but notice that Y/n isn't.)

Allison: Y/n, What are you doing?

(She doesn't respond but freezes the door making it harder to peck through)

Y/n: This should keep them at bay long enough for us to get out of here, so come on, let's move. 

(Y/n, Luther and Allison all make it out safely. They try and stay a safe distance away but close enough to see when the rest of their siblings come out. Five, Klaus and Diego come out and they end up going to a park to wait for Vanya) 

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