Part 79: It's working

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(Allison looks over to Anala and gives her a nod which Anala returns. Reginald turns around and goes inside. Ben walks over to the trunk and close the hatch as Allison walks up the stairs to the Academy. When she sees Luther she scoffs at his sparrow uniform and pushes past them inside. Luther, Sloane and eventually Fei follows leaving Ben and Anala outside)

Ben: It's working.

Anala: I know. The Umbrella Academy is falling apart.  

Ben: So what's next?

Anala: We merge the families, get them to trust us more that they trust each other, make them part of our family,  save the world.

Ben: They're not all going to fall for that. Some have a stronger bond.

Anala: I know. Y/n and Five are more infatuated with each other than anything. Y/n cares deeply about her family, so she will follow them here to make sure they are safe and wherever she goes Five will follow. We already have Luther and Allison now. Diego seems to have an infatuation with the Lila girl and she has wavering loyalty so if we get her we will get him too. Klaus to go wherever alcohol is, so the only one left is Viktor.

Ben: How do you know all this?

Anala: Luther told me a lot, apparently me looking like his sister help with him opening up to me. Also I had Fei do some spying for me.

Ben: So next?

Anala: We call a family meeting in the morning, with both families.

Ben: What happens after we save the world?

Anala: Don't know yet, But i assume that's when the games will begin for us? (she smirks)

Ben: But what if we can't save the world Anala?

Anala: Then I'll create a new one. As long as I'm alive, I assure you, this isn't the end Brother.

(She smiles and puts a hand on his shoulder. She turns around and walks up the stairs, soon followed by Ben) 

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