Part 11: Home Sweet ...Hotel

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(They all follow Klaus to a Hotel labeled Hotel Obsidian. They go into a circle door and start arguing because everyone tries to fit into one area minus Y/n)

Allison:  Oh. Okay. Honestly? Okay.  We don't all needto be squeezed... 

Five: There were two entrances,by the way. 

Y/n: (comes in from the second entrance) Yeah I know.

Klaus: Oh, Hotel Obsidian.I missed you, you slutty old dame. (Klaus walks forward and starts waving his hands around) Absorb her.  Absorb her into your bosom. 

Y/n: (whispers to Five) We need to get him some professional help

Five: (whispers back) You think. 

Klaus: You know, 'cause back in her heyday,she played host to world leaders. Roosevelt, Gandhi, Stalin, Gorbachev, Castro, King Olaf of Norway,  one of the Kim Jongs,Tito, Dalai Lama, Elvis, and not onebut two Kardashians, allegedly.

Y/n: Very interesting Klaus (She gives her brother a smile and a pat on the shoulder before going back towards Five and Allison starts to walk away)  

Klaus: Wouldn't that-- Where you going?

Y/n: You okay Ally?

Allison: Yeah I just... I gotta make a call. 

Y/n: Okay. (Allison walks way as Klaus keeps talking) 

Klaus:  Nowadays, she's just a flophouse,a party house for those of us not looking to be judgedby society's rules and norms. 

Luther:  You mean, a place to hide? 

Klaus: Exactly! It's perfect!  And the best part of it is,she's gonna look after us,no questions asked. Never ever. Right? 

Y/n: Never ever? (Y/n giggles) 

Klaus: Never ever (klaus confirms with a smile and Five grabs Y/n's hand)  Come on. 

Diego: I may have questions.

Luther: Yeah, me too. 

Y/n: I might have to agree with you there.

(Luther, Diego and Five start to walk behind Klaus leaving Y/n and Vanya.)

Vanya:  This place is weird. 

Y/n: You can say that again. 

(they walk up to the counter, and join the others minus Allison, and Klaus rings the bell) 

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