Part 153: What she left behind

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(Everyone woke up to them standing in an elevator, which they had no recollection of entering. As the door opens, they excited. Looking around they found themselves in a garden with a walkway leading up to a circle in the middle with more protruding walkways.  A small pedestal with a statue of Reginald's head on top of it with a plaque that says "Obsidian Memorial Park, Graciously donated by Sir Reginald Hargreeves. This 1rst day of October 1989" Everyone continued to look around until Viktor's voice broke the silence as he looked back.) 

Viktor: Luther? 

(Everyone looked back at the elevator to find Luther alive again and with a normal body) 

Viktor: Luther! (he runs to hug him)

Luhter  Oh shit. You can see me? 

Viktor: Yes! 

Luther: I'm alive? I'm alive! 

Klaus: Luther's alive! 

Luther: That's not all, big guy. 

Luther: (notices his body is back to normal) Oh shit! My body! I look amazing.

Klaus: Luther's all svelte now. Wait. I gotta show Sloane.

Five: (looks down at his arm) I got my arm back.

 Luther: This is so cool. W-Wait. Where's Sloane? 

Klaus: Oh, she was, uh... She was right behind me-

Lila: When Allison hit the button. 

Diego: She's gone too. 

(Five notices someone else is missing and quickly starts looking around frantically)

Five: Where's Y/n? 

(Everyone starts looking around to and find that Y/n isn't there)

Diego: Where was she before Allison hit the button?

Five: I was holding her

(Five remembered feeling something drop into his pocket before everything went black and reached into his pocket as everyone started talking again)

Ben: Does anyone know where the hell we are? 

Lila: The hotel. Or at least this is where it used to be.

Five: I think the old man did it. I think he reset the universe. 

Lila: You got your fingers back. (points to Diego but he is still looking around for Y/n)

Luther: Sloane? Sloane! Hey. I don't care about any resets, all right? I want my wife back. Where is she, Five? (he grabs Five by the collar)

Five:  I'm glad you're alive,but take your hand off me. 

Luther: Not until you give me an answer. 

Five: How am I supposed to know?! My wife's missing too. Okay, screw this. 

(Five tries to blink away but he can't)

Five: Something's wrong. 

Luther:  That's right.You're about to get your ass kicked. 

Diego: Yeah, kick his ass. 

Five: No, you moron. My power. I can't blink. 

Diego: Yeah, right.(Tries to twirl a knife but drops it) That's not good. 

Klaus: (tries to conjure someone but it doesn't work) Okay... Come on. Alakazam... ghosties. This means I'm mortal again? Aw man! 

Ben: Wait, wait, wait. How do we get 'em back, you idiots?

Luther: I gotta... I gotta go find my wife. (He walks out) 

Viktor: No! Luther, you can't go.

Klaus: You were dead five minutes ago.You're fragile! I gotta go after him. (Klaus leaves)

Diego: No. Wa-- Klaus, wait! 

Ben: I'm out, bitches. (he leaves)

Viktor: Come on. We should stick togetherand figure this out-

Diego:  What are we supposed to do? 

Lila: Live our lives?

(Diego takes one more glance around and sighs before leaving with Lila, leaving Five and Viktor. They look at each other before Five starts to walk away)

Viktor: Five! We have to find a way to fix this!

Five: I lost Y/n, Viktor. What's the point? 

(With that he leaves Viktor behind) 

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