Part 13: Back with the Sparrows

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*Anala's POV*

(Me and the rest of the Sparrow Academy were running on the treadmill on the top floor of the academy. Everyone was running while Alphonso was walking and we watch the tapes of the fight with the umbrella's)

Marcus: Big one is strong but slow,possibly stupid. Some sort of... simian hybrid. 

Sloane: Who took the little jumpy guy? 

Jayme: Me. Just gave him a spankingand sent him to school. 

Alphonso: Hey-oh!

Anala: (laughs) His name is Five apparently.

Ben: You must know a lot about the Umbrella's Anala. You went of chatting with the enemy.

Anala: She wasn't the enemy. She told me the truth. They came from a different time line and got stuck here. 

Marcus: They still attacked us. We have to fight them

Anala: If you do, you will die. Y/n's power is to strong and dangerous. She will do anything to protect her family. As long as the family has her, they are practically unbeatable. We have to drive a wedge between them. So what else do we know. 

[Christopher speaks]

Fei: The skinny one is their weak link.

Ben: Unless hiding behind couches shouting,"Where's my daddy?" is his superpower. 

Anala: That would be Klaus. He can communicate with the dead, a drug addict because of it. He used to be able to communicate with their brother number 6 or Ben since he died when he was 16.

Jayme: So that's why they acted so weird with him. 

Anala: Yeah. I offered for them to have our ben but she didn't take it. Apparently there was a time line where Ben wasn't a dick. (I say just loud enough for Jayme to hear and she laughs) 

Ben: (slows down his treadmill)  Enough post-gaming.They disrespected us, Marcus. We need to be out therefinding these freaks and taking 'em out. 

Marcus:  Oh, you mean like this? (Marcus slows down his treadmill and shows the clip of Vanya blasting everyone as everyone turns off their treadmills) Can someone explain how you gotyour asses handed to you in 30 seconds?  Do you have any ideawhat would happen to our reputation if anyone had seen that? I mean, we haven't faceddecent enemies for years. This could be good for us. Good for business, but only if we're smartwith our next move. So Anala, what do you know about that one? (He points to the screen)

Anala: I wouldn't go up to head with her. She controls sound waves. She ended the world, twice and started this whole thing. She's dangerous.

Jayme: What about the one that looks like you? She seems to be the other biggest threat.

Anala: Y/n. She controls fire and ice but there is something more in her. I can tell. Honestly, I'm excited to see what it is. 

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