Part 60: i wish I could do more

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*Back with the Umbrella Academy*

(Allison, Viktor, Luther and Diego were together in the lobby of the Hotel when a bright blue light flashes dropping Lila, Five and Y/n onto the floor.)

Y/n and Five: (grunts in pain)Shit. 

Lila: Shoo! 

Viktor: Where have you been? 

Five: Facing my mortality, Viktor.I don't recommend it. 

Allison: You had the briefcase?We've been looking for this! (Allison runs u and grabs the briefcase)

Five: Well, look no further.That's the last one on Earth. (Allison holds it up to find that it's smoking) Or was the last one. 

(Allison Scoffs throwing it to the side and goes to sit on the steps)

Five: Yeah, that's toast. (Five starts to inspect the briefcase was Lila runs to hug Diego and Y/n walks over to Allison)

Y/n: Hey, how are you holding up?

Allison: I feel like I'm gonna break. I don't know how much longer I can take this.

Y/n: I'm sorry, I wish I could do more.

Allison: It's okay Y/n. I know you're trying.

(Y/n sits down and Allison puts her head on her shoulder)

Y/n: What happened to your lip?

Allison: Me and Diego went to go let off some steam last night.

Y/n: Fight some assholes?

Allison: Yup

Y/n: Did you win?

Allison: You already know it

Y/n: Have Fun?

Allison: I don't know... How did you deal with it? All those years alone? Losing your family? 

Y/n: When we were stuck in the apocalypse, it was hard, I knew my family was gone. I mean I still had Five but I visited the Academy a lot. It became a weird obsession. I watch as your bodies decayed over the years, until we finally had to move, I couldn't stop replaying the memories we had as kids. It's like they were slowly driving me insane. Then in the 60's, I never stopped looking for all of you.

Allison: Does the pain go away? Do you ever stop having the nightmares?

Y/n: When mine stop, I'll tell you. The worst part is hiding it. because it's still there, and it can't heal if you hide it away. Do me a favor?

Allison: What?

Y/n: Don't make the same mistake I did. Don't hide away your pain, because then it will never go away, and by the time you're ready to heal, it will be to late. 

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