Part 70: Apocalypses... Plural.

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Five: Klaus, we've dedicated our entire lives to stopping the apocalypse. 

Y/n: Apocalypses, plural.

Five: And he tells me... 

Klaus: Mm-hmm? 

Five: That it's... it's, what? It's meaningless? 

Klaus: Oh, well, I don't know anything-- 

Five: Maybe that's his way of sayingnot to become him, but... (Five sighs)

Klaus:  Oh, you're reallymessed up about this, huh? 

Five: I've cheated time so much, I guess I just figuredI'd somehow cheat death.  But it turns out,I die a one-armed nightmare inside a bureaucratic landscapeof my own design without the women I love with me. 

Klaus: Spoiler alert! [chuckles]. I mean come on, Y/n wouldn't leave you.

Y/n: And I didn't, I died (she says calmly while taking a sip of her margarita.)

Klaus: And your okay with that?

Y/n: (shrugs) had to happen eventually, It was just a matter of when.

Five: Not to mention the trashy tattoo (he pulls out the flap of skin)

Klaus: [gasps] Ugh!  Is this your skin? 

Y/n: Klaus I once saw you eat a bagel out of a dumpster, you have no room to judge.

 Five: I'll be damned if I go outwith an old man tramp stamp.

Klaus: If you don't wannaend up like this guy, why don't you just do somethingcompletely different? Completely different--Move upstate, become an alpaca farmer. 

Y/n: That sounds boring as hell

Five: Yeah, I could.The timeline's malleable.We've proven that much.  I could try and break the cycle, but-- 

Klaus: Yeah, sure. Just keep your arms and extremities awayfrom sharp objects, keep Y/n away from dangerous scenarios that could get her killed, and don't join the Mothers of Agony. 


Klaus: The tattoo. It's the symbol of the biker gang,the Mothers of Agony. 

Five: You know them? 

Klaus: Like two timelines ago, they were...How do I put it?  My farmacistas. 

Five: This is good. 

Klaus: 'Cause you know... 

Five: Thank you, Klaus. 

(Five gets up to leave and grabs Y/n's hand as they head out together)

Klaus:All right, great talk. Go get 'em, buddy.

Y/n: Bye Klausy. Love ya

Klaus; Love ya too Blazey

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