Part 8: That didn't go well

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(They all make it to the park and end up on a wide bridge to wait for Vanya. Five and Y/n sit on on picnic bench with Five's head on her shoulder, Klaus lays on the top of the 2nd picnic bench while Diego goes to the edge and looks over the water and Allison and Luther sit down on a park bench across from them.)

Luther: Just gonna sit.I'm just gonna sit for a minute. [Luther groans] 

Diego: (turns around) That didn't go well.

Five: No, not our best work. 

Y/n: Oh really? Wouldn't have guessed (sarcastically) 

Diego: You wouldn't know, You were off chatting with your evil self.

Y/n: What?

Diego: Oh come on Y/n, You think I didn't know about the whole Anala thing. I just didn't know the voice in your head had a name.

Y/n: How did you know? 

Diego: (sighs) Before you and Five left, one night I heard you talking to yourself in your room. until I heard a voice talk back. I peaked in your room and you sat in front of a mirror with a candle in front of you. I didn't fully understand what it was until I heard you talking with Five about this Anala thing. (Y/n was too stunned to speak as she did a quick scan of her other sibling but luckily it was only Diego and Five that heard. Lucky for her, before she answered, she was interrupted by Klaus.)

 Klaus: [joints cracking]-Oh, I'm cracking.

Allison: (to Luther) You all right?

Luther:  I don't know yet.  I've just never had my asshanded to me like that before. It's like...  Here you go.  It's your ass.  

Allison: Okay, I think Luther's concussed.  

Klaus: Luther, how many fingers? (sits on the bench and holds up 3 fingers)

Luther: Oh my God. Vanya. 

Y/n: I think she can handle herself. (Allison points to the side and they all look to see Vanya coming up the path)

 Vanya: Oh. Thank God you're alive.

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