Part 46: Power Up

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Ben: Power up.

(The fire on the banner grew as the Umbrella academy got ready to fight. Christopher started to spin, Fei let out crows from her back, Jayme started to move around the spit in her mouth, Alphonso cracked his neck and Sloane held out her hands as she activated her family. Anala opened her eyes as the fire she held in her hand slid to the ground creating a circle of fire. She raised her hand as the air around her started to blow harder and harder and the ground started to rumble.By now the whole hotel had been cleared of citizens and Diego grabbed Stanley's arm and pulled him away, throwing him over a counter) 

Ben: Now, Chris. 

(Chris let out strikes of energy that found the heads of his targets right away causing the umbrella academy to their knees as they scream in pain)

Luther: What the hell? 

Allison: I heard... I heard a rumor... [groans] 

(She was cut off as Chris enhances the pain factor)

Ben: That you're about to die?

[Luther groans] 

Ben: Kill 'em. 

Anala: Ben, That's enough. I think they get it.

(The rest of the academy minus Sloane and Anala starts to step forward ready to attack. When out of no where, an old man shows up and lets out a scream  causing an energy blast to come out of him that mixed with the fire hitting Jayme and Alphonso straight in the chest killing them, and Luther runs to Sloane knocking her out but still saving her as Anala reacts creating a rock wall protecting her, Fei, Ben, and Chris from further harm. As the blast stops and Anala's wall falls and she sees Jayme and Alphonso on the floor.)

Anala: Jayme! 

Fei:  Alphonso! 

Ben: Pull back! 

 [Christopher speaks faintly]

(Anala, Ben, Fei, and Chris run out and head back to the Academy. Anala heads up to her room taking a deep breath and sitting on her bed still in shock at what just happened. she looks down at her arm to see she is bleeding slightly. To her bleeding wasn't surprising but what was surprising is that the blood coming out wasn't red, but it was... green?) 

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